11–15 Dec 2023
WCW, Amsterdam Science Park
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

List of registrants

291 participants

Registration Form

Last Name First Name Institution How Do You Plan To Attend The Conference In Person?
Acharya Anshuman Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics I plan to attend remotely
Alderete Ethan Caltech I plan to attend remotely
Alidjan Kashan Eindhoven University of Technology I plan to attend remotely
Andernach Heinz Univ. Guanajuato, Mexico; TLS Tautenburg, Germany I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Angelina Spasic University of Hamburg I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Antoine Gusdorf ENS, Paris Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Anumanchi Agastya Sai Ram Likhit IISER Bhopal I plan to attend remotely
Arrubarrena Paola Imperial College London I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Barry Nichole Curtin University I plan to attend remotely
Beasley Tony NRAO I plan to attend remotely
Bhagat Shubham TLS I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Bhandari Shivani ASTRON/JIVE I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Bhat Ramesh ICRAR, Curtin University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Biava Nadia TLS Tautenburg I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Bilous Anna GRESB I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Bloot Sanne ASTRON / Kapteyn Astronomical Institute I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Böhme Lukas Bielefeld University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Brackenhoff Stefanie Kapteyn Astronomical Institute I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Briand Carine Observatoire de Paris/LESIA I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Brionne Mark LPC2E / CNRS I plan to attend remotely
Broderick Jess SKAO I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Bruno Luca DIFA-UNIBO, INAF-IRA I plan to attend remotely
Byrne Ruby Caltech I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Callingham Joseph ASTRON / Leiden University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Carter George Cambridge University I plan to attend remotely
Ceccotti Emilio Kapteyn Astronomical Institute I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Ceppas de Castro Rebecca McGill University & Trottier Space Institute I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Chatterjee Atrideb Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics I plan to attend remotely
Chatterjee Swarna Indian Institute of Technology Indore I plan to attend remotely
Chege Kariuki Kapteyn Astronomical Institute I plan to attend remotely
Chen Xingyao University of Glasgow I plan to attend remotely
Chinchwadkar Rohit Leiden Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Chokshi Aman University of Melbourne I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Christiaan Brinkerink Radboud Radio Lab, department of Astrophysics, Radboud University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Chuchra Agata Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences I plan to attend remotely
Cook Jaiden Curtin University I plan to attend remotely
Cordun Cristina-Maria ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Cros Lucie Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS, Paris, France I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Croston Judith The Open University I plan to attend remotely
Cuciti Virginia University of Bologna I plan to attend remotely
Dabhade Pratik IAC, Spain I plan to attend remotely
Dabrowski Bartosz Space Radio-Diagnostics Research Centre, University of Warmia and Mazury I plan to attend remotely
Dallier Richard Subatech - IMT Atlantique, CNRS/IN2P3, Nantes Université I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Das Jyotirmoy National Centre for Radio Astrophysics(NCRA-Tifr) I plan to attend remotely
Davis Ivey California Institute of Technology I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
de Gasperin Francesco INAF I plan to attend remotely
de Jong Jurjen Leiden Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Deka Partha Pratim IUCAA I plan to attend remotely
Dempsey Jessica ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
De Rubeis Emanuele University of Bologna & INAF-IRA I plan to attend remotely
de Ruiter Iris Anton Pannekoek Institute/University of Amsterdam I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Dharam Lal National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR I plan to attend remotely
Di Gennaro Gabriella Hamburg Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
DiLullo Christopher United States Naval Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Doke Anushka ICTS-TIFR I plan to attend remotely
Duchêne Quentin LESIA I plan to attend remotely
Duchesne Stefan CSIRO I plan to attend remotely
Eduard Kontar University of Glasgow, UK I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Edwards Philip CSIRO I plan to attend remotely
Eie Sujin ASIAA I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Elpenhof Liesbet ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Emig Kimberly NRAO I plan to attend remotely
Emilie Mauduit LESIA - Observatoire de Paris I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Escott Emmy Durham University I plan to attend remotely
G A Dr. Shanmugha Sundaram Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University I plan to attend remotely
Ganjam Samskruthi Purdue University I plan to attend remotely
GAO Yang Sun Yat-Sen University, China I plan to attend remotely
Garrett Michael University of Manchester & Leiden I plan to attend remotely
Gazagnes Simon University of texas at Austin I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Gehlot Bharat Kumar Kapteyn Institute (University of Groningen) I plan to attend remotely
Georgiev Ivelin Stockholm University Astronomy Department I plan to attend remotely
Ghosh Ankita National Centre For Radio Astrophysics I plan to attend remotely
Ghosh Sonia Kapteyn Astronomical Institute I plan to attend remotely
Girard Julien LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris Cité I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Glenn White The Open University, and The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK I plan to attend remotely
Gopakumar Midhun K XCOSMOS I plan to attend remotely
Grainge Keith University of Manchester I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Green Jimi SKAO I plan to attend remotely
Griessmeier Jean-Mathias LPC2E I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Groeneveld Christian Leiden Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Grundy Joe ICRAR Curtin University/CSIRO I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Guo Quan Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Gupta Neeraj IUCAA I plan to attend remotely
Hall Xander Caltech I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Hallinan Gregg Caltech I plan to attend remotely
Hariharan Krishnan SKAO I plan to attend remotely
Heald George CSIRO I plan to attend remotely
Hellbourg Greg Caltech I plan to attend remotely
Heneka Caroline Heidelberg University I plan to attend remotely
Hennessy Adam University of Leicester I plan to attend remotely
Hessels Jason ASTRON/UvA I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Hewitt Jacqueline Massachusetts Institute of Technology I plan to attend remotely
Hoang Duy Hamburg University I plan to attend remotely
Höfer Carolin Kapteyn Astronomical Institue I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Horellou Cathy Chalmers University of Technology I plan to attend remotely
Huang Qichen Beijing Normal University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Hugh Garsden University of Manchester I plan to attend remotely
Hurley-Walker Natasha Curtin University / International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Ilin Ekaterina ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Iraci Francesco University of Cagliari - INAF OAC I plan to attend remotely
Jamrozy Marek Jagiellonian University, Astronomical Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Jankowski Fabian CNRS & Université d'Orléans I plan to attend remotely
Johnson Owen Trinity College Dublin I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Junghwan Oh Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC I plan to attend remotely
Jurlin Nika UT Austin I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Kanekar Nissim National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Kassim Namir Naval Research Laboratory I plan to attend remotely
Katharine Mulrey Radboud I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Kaur Balpreet National Centre for Radio Astrophysics - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research I plan to attend remotely
Kaur Dilpreet CSIRO I plan to attend remotely
Kaur Kamalpreet Argelander Institute for Astronomy, University of Bonn I plan to attend remotely
Kavanagh Robert ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Keller Pascal University of Cambridge I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Kemper Ciska ICE-CSIC / ICREA / IEEC I plan to attend remotely
Khandakar Md Asif Elahi IIT Kharagpur I plan to attend remotely
Kirsten Franz OSO, Chalmers University of Technology I plan to attend remotely
Kittiwisit Piyanat University of the Western Cape I plan to attend remotely
Knowles Kenda Rhodes University / SARAO I plan to attend remotely
Konijn David Astron I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Konovalenko Alexander Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I plan to attend remotely
Koopmans Leon Kapteyn Astronomical Institute I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Kosogorov Nikita California Institute of Technology I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Koval Artem Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Kumar Pratik University of New Mexico I plan to attend remotely
Künkel Lars University of British Columbia I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Lazarevic Sanja Western Sydney University I plan to attend remotely
Lazio Joseph Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology I plan to attend remotely
Limaye Pranav Argelander Institute for Astronomy(Bonn University) I plan to attend remotely
Liu Tianyang Shanghai Astronomical Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Loh Alan LESIA Paris Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Louis Corentin LESIA I plan to attend remotely
Macario Giulia INAF-Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Mahatma Vijay University of Cambridge I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Mahesh Nivedita Caltech I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Majee Puja National Centre for Radio Astrophysics I plan to attend remotely
Manaswini Ninisha Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy (API), UvA I plan to attend remotely
Mangla Sarvesh IIT Indore I plan to attend remotely
Mantovanini Silvia Curtin University I plan to attend remotely
Mertens Florent Paris Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Mevius Maaijke Astron I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Mhaskey Mukul Thuringer Landesternwarte (TLS), Tautenburg I plan to attend remotely
Michałowski Michał Adam Mickiewicz University I plan to attend remotely
Michilli Daniele Massachusetts Institute of Technology I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Miley George Sterrewacht Leiden I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Mingo Beatriz The Open University (UK) I plan to attend remotely
Miroshnichenko Alla Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU I plan to attend remotely
Misra Arpita Jagiellonian University I plan to attend remotely
Monsalve Raul University of California Berkeley I plan to attend remotely
Morales Miguel University of Washington I plan to attend remotely
Munshi Satyapan Kapteyn Astronomical Institute I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Murmu Chandra Shekhar Indian Institute of Technology Indore I plan to attend remotely
Ng Cherry CNRS I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Nunhokee Ridhima Curtin University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Orru Emanuela Astron I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
O'Sullivan Shane Universidad Complutense de Madrid I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Pal Arpan National Centre for Radio Astrophysics I plan to attend remotely
Parthasarathy Aditya ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Pashapourahmadabadi Morteza University of Bielefeld I plan to attend remotely
Patil Pallavi NRAO I plan to attend remotely
Pearlman Aaron McGill University & Trottier Space Institute at McGill I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Pelesky Sarah Carnegie Mellon University I plan to attend remotely
Pen Ue-Li ASIAA I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Perez-Torres Miguel IAA-CSIC, Granada I plan to attend remotely
Phil Bull University of Manchester I plan to attend remotely
Phung Anna Space Research Centre PAS I plan to attend remotely
Plant Kathryn Caltech, JPL I plan to attend remotely
Pleunis Ziggy Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto I plan to attend remotely
Pramanick Suman Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur I plan to attend remotely
Przepiórka-Skup Dorota Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences I plan to attend remotely
Rajwade Kaustubh ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Rarivoarinoro Tombo Fitahiana University of Cape Town I plan to attend remotely
Rhodes Lauren University of Oxford I plan to attend remotely
Riseley Christopher Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Rose Kovi University of Sydney I plan to attend remotely
Ross Kathryn ICRAR - Curtin I plan to attend remotely
Rottgering Huub Leiden Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Rouillé Erwan LESIA I plan to attend remotely
Rowlinson Antonia UvA & ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Sabater Montes Jose University of Edinburgh I plan to attend remotely
Salas Pedro Green Bank Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Salunkhe Sameer National Centre for Radio Astrophysics I plan to attend remotely
Sampath Ajith University of KwaZulu-Natal I plan to attend remotely
Santra Ramananda National centre for radio astrophysics I plan to attend remotely
Schreiber Roman Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences I plan to attend remotely
Schwartzman Emma US Naval Research Lab/George Mason University I plan to attend remotely
Seethapuram Sridhar Sarrvesh SKAO I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Selvaraj Aishwarya International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Sethi Sagar Astronomical observatory Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland I plan to attend remotely
Shan Huanyuan SHAO I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Shetgaonkar Hrishikesh Digambar Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg I plan to attend remotely
Shimwell Timothy ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Sikhosana Sinenhlanhla University Of Kwazulu-Natal I plan to attend remotely
Sinha Akriti Indian Institute of Technology Indore I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Stanyslavskyi Lev Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IRA NASU) I plan to attend remotely
Starling Rhaana University of Leicester I plan to attend remotely
Stuardi Chiara University of Bologna I plan to attend remotely
Susarla Sai Chaitanya University gf Galway I plan to attend remotely
Tasse Cyril Observatoire de Paris I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Tauber Jan Leiden Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Thyagarajan Nithyanandan CSIRO I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Tibbe Marjan ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Timmerman Roland Leiden Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Tiwari Himanshu Curtin University I plan to attend remotely
Tomasik Łukasz Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN I plan to attend remotely
Turner Jake Cornell University I plan to attend remotely
Ulyanov Oleg Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine I plan to attend remotely
van den Eijnden Jakob University of Warwick I plan to attend remotely
van Haarlem Michiel ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
van Leeuwen Joeri ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
van Weeren Reinout Leiden University I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Vasylkivskyi Yevhen Institute of Radio Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I plan to attend remotely
Vedantham Harish ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Verma Virendra Uttarakhand Space Application center I plan to attend remotely
Vernstrom Tessa ICRAR UWA I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Viou Cedric Observatoire de Paris / CNRS I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Vohl Dany Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy, University of Amsterdam I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Wang Ailing Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences I plan to attend remotely
Wang Peng Shanghai Astronomical Observatory I plan to attend remotely
Wijers Ralph University of Amsterdam I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Wilensky Michael University of Manchester I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Williams Wendy SKAO I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Woods Paul Nature Astronomy I plan to attend remotely
Wu Xiaohan CITA I plan to attend remotely
Xue Mengyao National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences I plan to attend remotely
Yiu Timothy Wing Hei ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Yoshiura Shintaro NAOJ I plan to attend remotely
Yu Yun Shanghai Astronomical Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Zarka Philippe Observatoire de Paris - CNRS - PSL I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Zeynep Kocaman Eindhoven University of Technology I plan to attend remotely
Zhang Jiale Peking University I plan to attend remotely
Zhang Peijin University of Helsinki I plan to attend remotely
Zhang Xiang LESIA, Observatorie de Paris I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Zhao Feiyu Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Zheng Cathie Shanghai Astronomical Observatory I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
Zucca Pietro ASTRON I plan to attend in-person in Amsterdam
55 more participants