At ASTRON, we're busy gearing up for a major upgrade to the LOFAR telescope which will make it even more data-intensive than it is now, and starting to prepare ourselves for the exabyte-per-year data avalanche from the SKA and the end of this decade. We're pondering difficult questions about how we can best utilize scarce compute resources, how we can preserve massive datasets for posterity, and how we can support our user community in engaging with facilities of this scale.
And, of course, we are not alone: we imagine that you are all dealing with your own variations on these challenges. We'd therefore like to invite you to a one-day workshop, held at ASTRON, at which we can compare notes, look for common themes, and discuss possibilities for more cooperation between our various initiatives in the future.
We're envisioning a relatively small meeting: our idea is to get a perhaps ten or fifteen representatives from key projects around a table for some informal discussion.
We will be able to reimburse travel expenses to ASTRON from within the Netherlands; please ask for details.