MID4Automotive consortium meeting

Auditorium (ASTRON)



Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4 7991 PD Dwingeloo The Netherlands
Agnes Mika (ASTRON)


Dear MID4Automotive consortium member,

We'd like to kindly invite to the upcoming consortium meeting held at the ASTRON headquarters in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands.



October 29 - 30, 2024. Start: 12:00, end: ~15:30.


The meeting will take place at ASTRON headquarters in Dwingeloo, the Netherlands; refer to our website for travel information.

We can provide help with arranging transportation between ASTRON and Hoogeveen Railway Station. Please reach out using the contact details provided below.

If you have an electric car, you can charge it in our carpark (turn right at the entrance). You will need to get a pass from reception. 


ASTRON is located in the middle of a beautiful national park (Dwingelderveld). Bring your walking shoes along and enjoy a stroll in nature during the lunch break.


There are lots of hotels in Dwingeloo you can choose from. We made a block booking in hotel "De Borken" in Lhee ( https://www.hoteldeborken.nl/nl/). This is the closest hotel to ASTRON.

Remote Participation

If you are unable to join us at ASTRON in person, you can participate in the meeting using Zoom. 

Connection details:


  • Tuesday 29 October
    • 12:00 13:00
      Arrival and lunch (provided) 1h Central Hall

      Central Hall

    • 13:00 14:00
      Tour of the Dwingeloo Telescope 1h Dwingeloo Telescope

      Dwingeloo Telescope

      We'll be visiting the oldest radio telescope in the Netherlands, located in ASTRON's backyard. You'll learn about the history of the telescope and the first major discoveries in radio astronomy. We'll steer the telescope and listen to a pulsar and other radio sources on the sky.

      Speaker: Michel Arts (ASTRON)
    • 14:00 15:00
      Tour of the ASTRON labs 1h ASTRON, various locations

      ASTRON, various locations

      We'll show you the breadth of ASTRON: from antenna engineering, through digital processing, to telescope operations and science.

      Speakers: Agnes Mika (ASTRON), Gijs Schoonderbeek (ASTRON), Roel Witvers (ASTRON)
    • 15:00 15:10
      Welcome 10m Oort room

      Oort room


      Welcome, logistics.

      Speaker: Agnes Mika (ASTRON)
    • 15:10 15:20
      Administration and practical issues 10m Oort room

      Oort room

      • Presentation of the agenda
      • Administration and practical issues
      • Status amendments Xecs
      • Upcoming reports
      • Fix date options and venue for the review meeting
      Speaker: Hilde De Witte (NXP)
    • 15:20 16:30
      WP4 - Dissemination and communication activities 1h 10m Oort room

      Oort room

      • Status of present activities
      • Links with other projects?
      • Standardisation: list of membership and activities
      • Any more exploitation activities? Patents? Specific product development (requests)? …
      • Brainstorm on potential activities
      • events
      • publications
      • updates website: https://www.mid4automotive.de/en/
      • social media
      • Action plan, incl. update of the website
      Speaker: Stephan Kruse (Universitaet Paderborn)
    • 16:30 17:00
      Break 30m Central Hall

      Central Hall

    • 17:00 18:00
      WP3 - Integration and testing kick-off 1h Oort room

      Oort room

      • Introduction
      • Links with WP2
      Speaker: Philipp Rust
    • 18:00 18:45
      Go to hotels, check in 45m
    • 18:45 21:00
      Group Dinner 2h 15m Dwingeloo, De Brink

      Dwingeloo, De Brink

      Group dinner in Dwingeloo, restaurant De Brink.

  • Wednesday 30 October
    • 09:00 11:00
      WP2 - Status 2h Oort room

      Oort room

      • Status (Jul 2023-Dec 2025)
      • Radar part -> split into tasks
      • Communication part - Ulf Johannsen
      • Conclusion & action plan
      Speakers: Jabil Diri (Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik IEM), Ulf Johanssen (TU Eindhoven)
    • 11:00 12:00
      Preparation for the review meeting 1h Oort room

      Oort room

      • Presentation structure
      • Upcoming CR needs
      • Action plan
      • Review agenda
      Speaker: Ulf Johanssen (TU Eindhoven)
    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch (provided) 1h Central Hall

      Central Hall