WP4 Group Meeting

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    • 08:00 08:10
      Report from Task1 10m
      Simon: Working on a draft of the Report, it is mainly End Host work, some protocol tests/information is needed. Richard: Simple RDMA test program connects and exchanges data. Buffer management needs consideration to prevent overwriting. Tests to be made in the Lab to check if one can connect between routed networks. No news from Jimmy at JBO. Action Richard: contact JBO. Action Simon: Send a copy of the draft report so Richard can add his work. Action Richard & Simon: complete ssh access and node lists on the wiki.
      Speaker: Simon Casey
    • 08:10 08:20
      Report from Task 2 10m
      Richard: Discussed Mauro's suggested approach for the collection of price information from NRENs with the GÉANT BusDev team. They advise that it is much better to ask NRENs for the cost for connecting/upgrading selected sites. Most do not have a "standard" price. Shaun agreed and stated that AARNet costs were location dependent for astronomy sites and often depended on th elocal conditions and funding arrangements e.g. grants at the time.
      Speaker: Mauro Nanni
    • 08:20 08:30
      Report from Task 3 10m
      It was noted that the SKA SDP docs, kindly posted by Rosie, had to be read with some care as they focused on the High Priority Science Objectives and did not include all the possible data products e.g. EoR data and PI observations. Richard reported that at the recent SKAO Regional Center Networking Meeting, it was agreed that 100 Gigabit from each telescope was a useful and affordable bandwidth. Also the Representative from China mentioned the possibility of a China-India-South Africa route, but details are unclear of what was meant.
      Speaker: Dr Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT)
    • 08:30 08:40
      Report from Task 4 10m
      Richard: Work has progressed with Siju and Kevin (SANReN engineer) on setting up the path from Cape Town to London. Two new 10Gigabit links will be in place, one to interconnect the open exchanges in Cape Town and London, the other 10 Gigabit link will provide direct peering between SANReN and GÉANT. Shaun: He has two dual port ConnectX5 cards.
      Speaker: Dr Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT)
    • 08:50 09:00
      Planning for the AENEAS Face to Face meeting 18-20 October 17 10m
      Speaker: All
    • 09:00 09:10
      Date of next Telcon 10m
      Monday 04 September 2017
    • 09:10 09:20
      Action List 10m
      Speaker: All
    • 09:20 09:30
      AOB 10m