August 12, 2022 to October 14, 2022
Google Form survey (see separate link, deadline 30 September) and open Town Hall meetings
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Dear Colleagues,

This Indico page describes the process for collecting inputs from the broad Dutch astronomical community on plans for an ASTRON-led application for an NWO Research Infrastructure grant in 2023-2024.


In line with the Strategic Plan for Astronomy in The Netherlands 2021-2030, ASTRON is identifying ways to retain the current strong role of our community over the full wavelength range. The upcoming NWO Research Infrastructure grant is a major funding opportunity towards realizing this ambition.

We have started working on a timeline that will help us shape a proposal by the end of this year, to be ready for submission in 2023. Although several options have emerged within ASTRON already, we wish to engage our community as a whole.

Therefore, a major part of this process will be to consult our community in the Netherlands, for soliciting ideas on how to put our proposal together, alongside the context of ASTRON’s mission and strategy.

Process and timeline

  • August/September 2022: collect inputs from the community using a Google Formsee below
  • Late September / early to mid October 2022: a delegation from ASTRON, and including Director Dr. Jessica Dempsey, will be visiting the universities for open Town Hall meetings (see below) to discuss ideas and answer questions. The inputs received in the Google Form will be important for setting the stage, but the discussions will not be limited to discussing only the submitted ideas.
  • November 2022: the NRAAC (Netherlands Radio Astronomy Advisory Committee) will be consulted for advice and comments on the proposed options. They will communicate this to the ASTRON Director and Management Team.
  • December 2022: ASTRON Director, Dr. Jessica Dempsey, will announce the selected plan and thereby kick-off the more detailed preparatory work.

Google Form

Please use the Google Form to convey to us your ideas about compelling projects that fit well within the NWO-RI funding instrument:

We would welcome your input by 23 September at the latest.

Town Hall meetings

You are welcome to attend one - or more - open, hybrid Town Hall meetings, hosted by the universities; see below and in the menu on the left. If you would like to attend, in person or online, please register using the link below.

Google Form survey (see separate link, deadline 30 September) and open Town Hall meetings
Tuesday 27 September 2022, 11:00-12:30 Radboud University Nijmegen, IMAPP Huygens building Heyendaalseweg 135 6525 AJ Nijmegen meeting room: HG02.802 (Huygens building, 2nd floor, wing 8, room 02) Please register by 23 September at the latest. Thursday 6 October 2022, 11:00-12:30 University of Amsterdam, Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy Science Park 904 1098 XH Amsterdam meeting room: C4.174 (next to elevators 4th floor) Please register by 30 September at the latest. Wednesday 12 October 2022, 13:00-14:30 (lunch 12:30) University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Landleven 12 (Kapteynborg, 5419) 9747 AD Groningen meeting room: lecture room 5419-161 Please register by 5 October at the latest. Friday 14 October 2022, 11:00-12:30 Leiden University, Leiden Observatory Huygens Building Niels Bohrweg 2 2333 CA Leiden meeting room: Collegezaal 414 (4th floor; entrance Oort/Huygens Reception) Please register by 7 October at the latest.