ASTRON and JIVE are dedicated to provide an inclusive and safe environment for everyone: employees and visitors. We value and respect the differences between people in terms of their background including gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, opinion or religion. The environment includes our premises, buildings, online collaboration and communication tools, as well as in-person and hybrid conferences, meetings and activities. We behave professionally and we are kind to others. All our communication, written, verbal and non-verbal should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of all different backgrounds. We do not insult or put down anyone. We do not tolerate any discriminative or exclusionary communication, behaviour or harassment in any form.
Many situations related to the code of conduct can be solved immediately by a respectful discussion. In other cases the situation can be reported using the following applicable method(s):
- Employees can contact their line manager, the head of HR[1] or the internal[2] or external[3] confidentiality counsellor
- Visitors can contact their host or the head of HR
- Conference attendees can contact the conference organizer(s) or the head of HR
The parties involved will be heard on the shortest possible notice. Based on the outcome of the investigation, further actions may be taken.
For NWO-I employees the following codes of conduct are applicable as well:
- Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity [4]
- The NWO Code of Conduct [5]
- Employment Regulation (art. 1.12) [6]