1:00 PM
Recreating post-AGB binaries using MESA
Casper Moltzer
(Radboud University)
1:01 PM
Understanding accretion onto neutron stars with near-infrared and X-ray observations
Iris Reitsma
1:15 PM
XRISM: the new X-ray observatory with unprecedented resolution
Elisa Costantini
(SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
1:15 PM
Low-frequency radio observations of recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi with MeerKAT and LOFAR
Iris de Ruiter
(Anton Pannekoek Institute/University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
Chromosome maps and SFR in galaxy clusters, INT WFC student results.
Alessandro Angrilli Muglia
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)
1:15 PM
The Radar Echo Telescope
Krishna Nivedita Gopinath
(Radboud University)
1:15 PM
Construction of the Extremely Large Telescope and its instrument suite
Ramon Navarro
1:15 PM
Chemical evolution in the building blocks of the Milky Way
Tadafumi Matsuno
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)
1:15 PM
The local radio environment of fast radio bursts and their progenitor implications
Shivani Bhandari
1:15 PM
Molecular or atomic? Hydrogen chemistry in atmospheres of gas giants
Leoni Janssen
(University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
Unveiling disk wind features in low mass X-ray binaries
Simon van Eeden
(University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
Geometrical models of the linearly polarized pulsar radio emission in the presence of large-scale quadrupolar magnetospheric field
Anna Bilous
1:15 PM
Investigating jet physics via the joint modelling of Event Horizon Telescope images and multi-wavelength observations
Wanga Mulaudzi
(Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy)
1:15 PM
Modeling planetary mass-loss of metal rich atmosphere for sub-Neptune size planets
Antonija Oklopčić
(University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
CARMENES high-resolution spectroscopy of young planet V1298 Tau b
Georgia Mraz
(University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) radial transfer in planet forming disks
Maria Nowowiejska
(Anton Pannekoek Instituut)
1:15 PM
Towards an Improved Model for Dynamical Friction on SMBHs
Zorry Belcheva
(Leiden Observatory)
1:15 PM
Become a programme coordinator at NWO, the Dutch Research Council
Katrien Uytterhoeven
(NWO (Dutch Research Council))
1:15 PM
Expanding Sgr A* dynamical imaging capabilities with an African extension to the Event Horizon Telescope
Noemi La Bella
(Radboud University)
1:15 PM
Dynamical Interactions in young stellar clusters
Maitrey Patel
(Anton Pannekoek Institute, University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
A comprehensive ionization chemical network for protoplanetary disks
Xinyu Zheng
(Leiden Observatory)
1:15 PM
Disturbed and old AGN remnant in a galaxy group discovered by LOFAR
Aleksandar Shulevski
1:15 PM
Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope design options
Eduard Muslimov
1:15 PM
The Outcome of Massive Star Formation
Beatrix Curtis
(University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
Probing the transient and variable night sky with the Dutch-led multi-colour BlackGEM array
Cole Johnston
(Radboud University)
1:15 PM
Results from the Auger Engineering Radio Array: investigating the elements making up ultra-high energy cosmic rays.
Bjarni Pont
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
1:15 PM
Sub-haloes or systematics: Flux ratios anomalies of quadruply lensed radio AGN
Di Wen
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen)
1:15 PM
Corona as the energy reservoir for radio jet: a case study of GRS 1915+105
Yuexin Zhang
1:15 PM
A novel constraint on the Milky Way's inner dark matter halo’s shape using phase-mixed streams
Hanneke Woudenberg
1:15 PM
Modelling the escape of Lyman Continuum photons from galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization
Jonas Bremer
(Kapteyn Institute)
1:15 PM
Studying Jeans Equations in the Milky Way disk
Orlin Koop
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
1:15 PM
Aging with grace: Studying the chemical composition and evolutionary history of short-period X-ray binaries
Stefanie Fijma
1:15 PM
General relativistic hydrodynamic simulations of perturbed transonic accretion
Hector Olivares
(Radboud University)
1:15 PM
AutoSourceID-FeatureExtractor. Optical images analysis using a Two-Step Network for accurate feature estimation and uncertainty characterization.
Fiorenzo Stoppa
(Radboud University)
1:15 PM
Modelling the dust properties and visibility of high-redshift galaxies
Valentin Mauerhofer
(Kapteyn Institute)
1:15 PM
Convergence of high resolution Black Hole accretion simulations of Magnetically Arrested Disks
León David Sosapanta Salas
(University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
Surface-atmosphere interactions on hot rocky exoplanets
Christiaan Van Buchem
(Leiden University)
1:15 PM
Density calculations of NGC 3783 warm absorbers using a time-dependent photoionization model
Chen Li
(Leiden University)
1:15 PM
The Blue Compact dwarf galaxy UM 462 as laboratory to learn about stellar feedback in primeval galaxies
Ana Monreal Ibero
1:15 PM
Mapping Ionized Bubbles in the First Billion Years with the JWST FRESCO Survey
Ecaterina Leonova
(University of Amsterdam)
1:15 PM
The spectral history of exoplanet atmospheres due to hydrodynamic escape
Amy Louca
(Leiden Observatory)
1:15 PM
The importance of the way in which resolution elements are selected for supernova feedback in simulations of galaxies
Evgenii Chaikin
(Leiden Observatory)
1:15 PM
Filling in the Blanks: Inferring the Dynamics and Substructure Membership of 5D Gaia Stars
Thomas Callingham
(Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen)
1:15 PM
Unveiling the nuclear activity in the least dense regions of the nearby Universe
Ignacio del Moral Castro
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)
1:15 PM
Swarm Intelligence-based Extraction and Manifold Crawling Along the Large-Scale Structure
Petra Awad
(University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, 9747 AD Groningen, The Netherlands)
1:15 PM
The Synoptic Wide-field e-MERLIN EVN Program (SWEEPs)
Célestin Herbe-George
(Kapteyn Institute)
1:15 PM
A panchromatic approach to the merger-active galactic nuclei connection
Antonio La Marca
(SRON - Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)
1:15 PM
ED-2: a 360 degree stellar stream crossing the solar neighbourhood
Eduardo Balbinot
(Leiden and RUG)
1:15 PM
Understanding Lyman continuum leaker candidates with MUSE, HST and JWST
Josephine Kerutt
1:15 PM
Precise constrained cosmological simulations of the Local Group
Ewoud Wempe
(Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)
1:15 PM
Observation of warm-hot intergalactic medium in OVII and OVIII absorption against diffuse extended sources with Athena and LEM
Lydia Stofanova
(Leiden Observatory, SRON)
1:15 PM
Towards Bayesian Inference of GRMHD model parameters from VLBI data
Aristomenis Yfantis
(Radboud University)
1:15 PM
Particle Production by Gravitational Fields
Michael Florian Wondrak
1:15 PM
Zooming in on the first-known repeating fast radio burst source and its putative hyper-nebula
Mark Snelders
1:15 PM
Revealing deeper secrets: Developing a new higher-resolution technique for XMM imaging analysis
Anwesh Majumder
(Anton Pannekoek Institute, University of Amsterdam; SRON, Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
1:15 PM
Gaia DR3 view of dynamical substructure in the local stellar halo
Emma Dodd
1:15 PM
Latent space out-of-distribution detection of galaxies for deblending in weak lensing surveys
Jelle Mes
(Leiden Observatory)
1:15 PM
Opening up the decameter radio band with LOFAR
Christian Groeneveld
(Leiden Observatory)
1:15 PM
4MOST: ESO's new wide-field, high-multiplex, optical spectroscopic survey project
Roelof de Jong
(Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP))
1:15 PM
A panchromatic view of the broad line region of a narrow-line Seyfert 1
Anna Juranova
(SRON / Anton Pannekoek Institute)
1:15 PM
Gravitational wave spectral synthesis
Wouter van Zeist
(Radboud University)
1:15 PM
The astrometric contribution of Gaia binary systems
zephyr penoyre
(leiden observatory)
1:15 PM
When did the initial mass function become bottom-heavy?
Piyush Sharda
(Leiden University)
1:15 PM
BASS XXXV. The $M_\mathrm{BH}$ - $\sigma_\mathrm{\star}$ Relation of 105-Month Swift-BAT Type 1 AGNs
Turgay Caglar
(Southern Methodist University)
1:15 PM
Suzaku view of the cluster pair Abell 222/223
Yanling Chen
1:15 PM
Pollux: a European high-resolution spectropolarimeter for the Habitable Worlds Observatory
Eduard Muslimov
1:15 PM
Baryonic impact on weak lensing peak statistics
Jeger Broxterman
(Lorentz Institute / Leiden Observatory)
1:29 PM
Not just a drawing anymore: Status update on the Central Wheel Mechanism for MICADO
1:29 PM
Catalyzing stellar mergers in hierarchical triple-star systems
1:29 PM
Tracking dust particles under the influence of non-local disk processes with SHAMPOO
1:29 PM
Weighing the Milky Way with paint cans
Michiel Brentjens
1:29 PM
Dynamical modelling and study of turbulence in disc galaxies at z=4.5
Fernanda Roman Oliveira
1:29 PM
MeerKAT resolved HI in nearby galaxies
Dane Kleiner