May 15 – 17, 2023
WestCord WTC hotel Leeuwarden
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Parallel session

May 15, 2023, 3:00 PM


Parallel session: NOVA NW3

  • Nathalie Degenaar (Univ of Amsterdam)

Parallel session: Early Career Researcher Lunch

  • Pikky Atri (ASTRON)

Parallel session: Outreach

  • Marieke Baan (Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Nathalie Degenaar (Univ of Amsterdam)
5/16/23, 12:45 PM
Contributed talk
5/16/23, 1:05 PM
Contributed talk
Frank Nuijens (ASTRON), Marieke Baan (Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA))
5/16/23, 3:30 PM
Contributed talk
Matthieu Isidro (SKAO)
5/16/23, 3:35 PM
Contributed talk
Tana Joseph (Univ of Amsterdam)
5/16/23, 4:00 PM
Contributed talk
Joanna Holt (NOVA)
5/16/23, 4:25 PM
Contributed talk
Marieke Baan (Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA))
5/16/23, 4:50 PM
Contributed talk
Marieke Baan (Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA))
5/16/23, 5:10 PM
Contributed talk
Building timetable...