Name| Mark Allen
What would you like to share| I would like to share the experience of building the astronomical virtual Observatory, in particular the aspects related to "all-sky" data and finding practical solutions that can be applied widely to many different areas of astronomy.
My pitch| All-sky approaches to astrophysics open up new innovative ways of doing science, I pitch that building scientific capabilities for HiPS into science analysis platforms will be of enormous benefit to astronomy.
Questions for the community| How do we best support the astronomy research community for use of interoperable data, tools and services?
Profile tags| astronomer
Name| Sara Bertocco
What would you like to share| I would like to share experiences
1_ on data access interoperability between different infrastructures and data centers;
2_ on authentication and authorization services design, development and exploitation
My pitch| I would like to tell my experience on data access interoperability between different infrastructures and data centers
Questions for the community| Speaking about data access and computation infrastructure interoperability, makes it sense the designing of a common authorization framework based on standard policies?
Profile tags| software engineer, IVOA standards interoperability, cloud
Name| Andrea Bignamini
What would you like to share|I want to share trials and experience of the IA2 data center about workflow management systems. I will focus on the Yabi workflow used for data of HARPS-N spectrograph at TNG to allow users to run custom data reduction with private data reduction pipeline.
My pitch|Work in progress about A&A for workflow management systems in an astronomical data center.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, database and ground telescope archive manager
Name| Paul Boven
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit, Cleopatra, VLBI
Name| Cristiano Bozza
What would you like to share| Experience in making CORELib and ROAst
My pitch|
Questions for the community| I am interested in ongoing machine learning for event-based experiments.
Profile tags| software, analysis, simulation, catalogue access
Name| Nicolas Chotard
What would you like to share| LSST data access with Qserv, Jupyter, web app.
My pitch|LSST data access with Qserv, Jupyter, web app.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Postdoctoral researcher
Name| Josep Colomé
What would you like to share| Multi-observatory scheduling for multi-messenger science
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software: multi observatory scheduling & multi-messenger science
Name| Paschal Coyle
What would you like to share| Research
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Astroparticle
Name| Fran Jiménez-Esteban
What would you like to share| Development of VO-tools: VOSA and CLUSTERIX. Are ASTERICS partners interested in them?
Education activities: Our 10 year experience organizing VO schools.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| VO-tools, VO-schools, astronomer
Name| Kay Graf
What would you like to share| Running old software in container solutions.
My pitch| Docker and Singularity - use cases in science
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, computing
Name| Kingsley Gale-Sieds
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Astronomer, CASA, Radio, EOR
Name| Peter Hague
What would you like to share| Practices regarding workflows with interferometry data
My pitch| STOA (Script Tracking for Observational Astronomy) - a workflow management system for radio astronomy data that utilises CWL and tracks all operations to ensure replicability. Currently operating on the ALMA archive.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Astronomer, software
Name| Hendrik Heinl
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags|

Name| Peter Hinrich
What would you like to share| I would like to share the results of pilots that SURFnet and other NREN's are working on to support high throughput data transfers.
My pitch| I would like to pitch the importance of well configured, standardized Data Transfer Nodes. In a short session I would like to discuss what kind of tools applications and workflows the community already uses, and how collaboration can be improved.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Data Transfer, time synchronization

Name| Giulia Iafrate
What would you like to share| Citizen Science in the classroom: problems and requirements
My pitch| What do successful CS projects in schools need? -Collaboration between scientists, teachers, school -Teacher training -Compromise between scientific goal and comprehensibility of the CS experiment -Long term committment - ....
Questions for the community| What are we teaching? Risks and how to.
Profile tags| Citizen Science, education, VO schools, Vo tools
Name| Carole Jackson
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community| Are we impacting the astronomical community as much as we could? Are we able to gain more from the results if we cross-promote our activities etc?
Profile tags| ASTERICS project coordinator, astronomer
Name| Jean Jacquemier
What would you like to share| Research, solution and best practices
My pitch| How to use modern CPUs feature, such single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) or CPU caches mechanism , within Python software such Astrophysics pipelines.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software
Name| Peter Jansweijer
What would you like to share| Tools designed, partially funded by ASTERICS, for White Rabbit Absolute Calibration (Multi SFP crate, SaFariPark, SFP+ timing calibration module)
My pitch| White Rabbit Calibration. Calibration of WR devices spans three main calibration topics: Absolute calibration Electrical-Optical / Optical-Electrical In-situ determination of alpha
Questions for the community| Soon we will submit a production run for SFP+ timing calibration modules which are needed when you want to be able to Absolute Calibrate the timing of your WR device. People who are interested should let me know.
Profile tags| White Rabbit, Absolute calibration, Hardware Engineer
Name| Giovanna Jerse
What would you like to share|I would like to share experience on authentication and authorization services design, matured expecially in the scope of the SKA project
My pitch|SKA AAA approach and the new challenges
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| technologist
Name| Léa Jouvin
What would you like to share| software, research
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, software
Name| Aard Keimpema
What would you like to share| Integrating CASA into Jupyter for remote data reduction.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Scientific Programmer
Name| Mark Kettenis
What would you like to share| Software for Transient Alerts
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| transient alert handling, software
Name| Jeroen Koelemeij
What would you like to share| White Rabbit related experience
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit development (global overview)
Name| John Lightfoot
What would you like to share| I am a software engineer who has worked mostly on data reduction pipelines. Recently, I have been using robotic telescopes to do some research, in a small way, into variability associated with young stars.
My pitch|I am interested in the big picture of multi-messenger observing. How do collaborations form and work? Can we think of ways to support them? The multi-messenger community is scattered, would it be a good idea to establish a central web page for news, reports, software tools, links, etc?
Questions for the community| How do collaborations form, can the process be made easier? What do people think of establishing a central web page? Are there ways to help young scientists become involved?
Profile tags|software engineer, astronomer
Name| Jose López-Jiménez
What would you like to share|tba
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White rabbit
Name| Jan David Mol
What would you like to share| LOFAR design lessons
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, multi messaging, LOFAR
Name| Marco Molinaro
What would you like to share| VO protocol based modular publishing tools.
My pitch| Time Series for exoplanets discovery and access, VO expertise
Questions for the community| Theory and simulated data from ESFRIs or other partners. Availability and interoperability.
Profile tags| VO & data manager
Name| Dave Morris
What would you like to share|
My pitch|Evolving VOEvent in response to community feedback
Questions for the community|
Profile tags|
Name| Ada Nebot
What would you like to share| Status of Time Domain Astronomy in the VO community
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Time Domain Astronomy, VO

Name| Markus Nullmeier
What would you like to share| efficiently storing, processing, and querying arbitrary sky regions in databases
My pitch| pgSphere: efficient treatment of spatial data with PostgreSQL
Questions for the community| Who else is developing software that is using Healpix functionality?
Profile tags| software developer, databases, Healpix, MOC

Name| Fabio Pasian
What would you like to share| Vision on the evolution of Data Management and Open Science
My pitch| How can we evolve from interoperable data collections to integrated systems of services for data-intensive astronomy and open science
Questions for the community| How can we take advantage of Open Science Clouds (including EOSC) in evolving Data Management to Open Science?
Profile tags| policy and management, VO, Open Science Clouds
Name| Henk Peek
What would you like to share| Development experience
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit and absolute calibration development
Name| Liam Quinn
What would you like to share| Software
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software
Name| Jaime Rosado
What would you like to share| Ideas
My pitch|Ideas on the consolidation of a common format for event based experiments
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software, data formats, DL3

Name| Stephen Serjeant
What would you like to share| How to make a citizen science experiment
My pitch| Let's crowdsource a project in real time
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, citizen science, machine learning
Name| Rob Smets
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Optical Transport Network Architect
Name| Vladislav Stolyarov
What would you like to share| Data processing techniques used in Planck and WMAP experiments can be reused in the future projects. During my work in Planck project I've participated in component separation and point source detection software development that can be adapted for the next-generation radio astronomy experiments.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Radio astronomy, data processing, component separation in cosmology, point source detection.
Name| Arpad Szomoru
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| WP5 leader
Name| Harro Verkouter
What would you like to share| Transporting gigabytes of data between continents is not as easy as you think, even if you have a 10Gbps network connection. A better protocol and a newly developed tool might improve on this.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, networking
Name| Stelios Voutsinas
What would you like to share| Available VO Tools and infrastructure, participate in discussion on evolution of IVOA standards
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, VO tools
Name| Sebastiaan van der Tol
What would you like to share| Experience with mapping the gridding algorithm used in radio astronomy onto GPUs
My pitch|Traditionally algorithms are designed to compute a result in as few compute operations as possible. Mapping such algorithms onto massively parallel hardware leads to sub-optimal performance, because memory access, not computation, is the limiting factor. Redesigning algorithms to reduce memory access, even if this leads to an increase in the number of operations by a large factor, can result in better performance.
Questions for the community| Are there more algorithms out there that, on modern hardware, are limited by memory access? Let's discuss whether these can be transformed into less memory, but more compute intensive algorithms.
Profile tags| astronomer, data scientist,
Name| Thomas Vuillaume
What would you like to share| Research: GammaLearn: Deep Learning for CTA
My pitch|The GammaLearn project: Deep Learning applied to CTA.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, data scientist

Name| Jayesh Wagh
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Project Manager

Name| Roy Williams
What would you like to share| Experience with delivering astronomical alerts over Kafka, using the Avro format for serialising.
My pitch| The VOEvent standard has worked well for 12 years in transmitting real-time astronomical alerts. However new protocols are on the horizon for the new, high-output surveys (ZTF, LSST), and the standard should adapt both semantically and syntactically.
Questions for the community| How to build an algorithm for selection and annotation of astronomical events, first using a past archive of events for development, then attach that same algorithm to a running real-time stream.
Profile tags| VO standards astronomical events multimessenger astronomy data portals and Jupyter
Name| Ralf Wischnewski
What would you like to share| Experience with WR in distributed, remotely operated DAQ-systems with precision time requirements. Dedicated new WR-node developments. WRS-GrandMaster solutions.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit
Name| Mark Allen
What would you like to share| I would like to share the experience of building the astronomical virtual Observatory, in particular the aspects related to "all-sky" data and finding practical solutions that can be applied widely to many different areas of astronomy.
My pitch| All-sky approaches to astrophysics open up new innovative ways of doing science, I pitch that building scientific capabilities for HiPS into science analysis platforms will be of enormous benefit to astronomy.
Questions for the community| How do we best support the astronomy research community for use of interoperable data, tools and services?
Profile tags| astronomer
Name| Sara Bertocco
What would you like to share| I would like to share experiences
1_ on data access interoperability between different infrastructures and data centers;
2_ on authentication and authorization services design, development and exploitation
My pitch| I would like to tell my experience on data access interoperability between different infrastructures and data centers
Questions for the community| Speaking about data access and computation infrastructure interoperability, makes it sense the designing of a common authorization framework based on standard policies?
Profile tags| software engineer, IVOA standards interoperability, cloud
Name| Andrea Bignamini
What would you like to share|I want to share trials and experience of the IA2 data center about workflow management systems. I will focus on the Yabi workflow used for data of HARPS-N spectrograph at TNG to allow users to run custom data reduction with private data reduction pipeline.
My pitch|Work in progress about A&A for workflow management systems in an astronomical data center.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, database and ground telescope archive manager
Name| Paul Boven
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit, Cleopatra, VLBI
Name| Cristiano Bozza
What would you like to share| Experience in making CORELib and ROAst
My pitch|
Questions for the community| I am interested in ongoing machine learning for event-based experiments.
Profile tags| software, analysis, simulation, catalogue access
Name| Nicolas Chotard
What would you like to share| LSST data access with Qserv, Jupyter, web app.
My pitch|LSST data access with Qserv, Jupyter, web app.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Postdoctoral researcher
Name| Josep Colomé
What would you like to share| Multi-observatory scheduling for multi-messenger science
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software: multi observatory scheduling & multi-messenger science
Name| Paschal Coyle
What would you like to share| Research
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Astroparticle
Name| Fran Jiménez-Esteban
What would you like to share| Development of VO-tools: VOSA and CLUSTERIX. Are ASTERICS partners interested in them?
Education activities: Our 10 year experience organizing VO schools.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| VO-tools, VO-schools, astronomer
Name| Kay Graf
What would you like to share| Running old software in container solutions.
My pitch| Docker and Singularity - use cases in science
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, computing
Name| Kingsley Gale-Sieds
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Astronomer, CASA, Radio, EOR
Name| Peter Hague
What would you like to share| Practices regarding workflows with interferometry data
My pitch| STOA (Script Tracking for Observational Astronomy) - a workflow management system for radio astronomy data that utilises CWL and tracks all operations to ensure replicability. Currently operating on the ALMA archive.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Astronomer, software
Name| Hendrik Heinl
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags|
Name| Peter Hinrich
What would you like to share| I would like to share the results of pilots that SURFnet and other NREN's are working on to support high throughput data transfers.
My pitch| I would like to pitch the importance of well configured, standardized Data Transfer Nodes. In a short session I would like to discuss what kind of tools applications and workflows the community already uses, and how collaboration can be improved.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Data Transfer, time synchronization
Name| Giulia Iafrate
What would you like to share| Citizen Science in the classroom: problems and requirements
My pitch| What do successful CS projects in schools need? -Collaboration between scientists, teachers, school -Teacher training -Compromise between scientific goal and comprehensibility of the CS experiment -Long term committment - ....
Questions for the community| What are we teaching? Risks and how to.
Profile tags| Citizen Science, education, VO schools, Vo tools
Name| Carole Jackson
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community| Are we impacting the astronomical community as much as we could? Are we able to gain more from the results if we cross-promote our activities etc?
Profile tags| ASTERICS project coordinator, astronomer
Name| Jean Jacquemier
What would you like to share| Research, solution and best practices
My pitch| How to use modern CPUs feature, such single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) or CPU caches mechanism , within Python software such Astrophysics pipelines.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software
Name| Peter Jansweijer
What would you like to share| Tools designed, partially funded by ASTERICS, for White Rabbit Absolute Calibration (Multi SFP crate, SaFariPark, SFP+ timing calibration module)
My pitch| White Rabbit Calibration. Calibration of WR devices spans three main calibration topics: Absolute calibration Electrical-Optical / Optical-Electrical In-situ determination of alpha
Questions for the community| Soon we will submit a production run for SFP+ timing calibration modules which are needed when you want to be able to Absolute Calibrate the timing of your WR device. People who are interested should let me know.
Profile tags| White Rabbit, Absolute calibration, Hardware Engineer
Name| Giovanna Jerse
What would you like to share|I would like to share experience on authentication and authorization services design, matured expecially in the scope of the SKA project
My pitch|SKA AAA approach and the new challenges
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| technologist
Name| Léa Jouvin
What would you like to share| software, research
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, software
Name| Aard Keimpema
What would you like to share| Integrating CASA into Jupyter for remote data reduction.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Scientific Programmer
Name| Mark Kettenis
What would you like to share| Software for Transient Alerts
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| transient alert handling, software
Name| Jeroen Koelemeij
What would you like to share| White Rabbit related experience
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit development (global overview)
Name| John Lightfoot
What would you like to share| I am a software engineer who has worked mostly on data reduction pipelines. Recently, I have been using robotic telescopes to do some research, in a small way, into variability associated with young stars.
My pitch|I am interested in the big picture of multi-messenger observing. How do collaborations form and work? Can we think of ways to support them? The multi-messenger community is scattered, would it be a good idea to establish a central web page for news, reports, software tools, links, etc?
Questions for the community| How do collaborations form, can the process be made easier? What do people think of establishing a central web page? Are there ways to help young scientists become involved?
Profile tags|software engineer, astronomer
Name| Jose López-Jiménez
What would you like to share|tba
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White rabbit
Name| Jan David Mol
What would you like to share| LOFAR design lessons
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, multi messaging, LOFAR
Name| Marco Molinaro
What would you like to share| VO protocol based modular publishing tools.
My pitch| Time Series for exoplanets discovery and access, VO expertise
Questions for the community| Theory and simulated data from ESFRIs or other partners. Availability and interoperability.
Profile tags| VO & data manager
Name| Dave Morris
What would you like to share|
My pitch|Evolving VOEvent in response to community feedback
Questions for the community|
Profile tags|
Name| Ada Nebot
What would you like to share| Status of Time Domain Astronomy in the VO community
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Time Domain Astronomy, VO
Name| Markus Nullmeier
What would you like to share| efficiently storing, processing, and querying arbitrary sky regions in databases
My pitch| pgSphere: efficient treatment of spatial data with PostgreSQL
Questions for the community| Who else is developing software that is using Healpix functionality?
Profile tags| software developer, databases, Healpix, MOC
Name| Fabio Pasian
What would you like to share| Vision on the evolution of Data Management and Open Science
My pitch| How can we evolve from interoperable data collections to integrated systems of services for data-intensive astronomy and open science
Questions for the community| How can we take advantage of Open Science Clouds (including EOSC) in evolving Data Management to Open Science?
Profile tags| policy and management, VO, Open Science Clouds
Name| Henk Peek
What would you like to share| Development experience
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit and absolute calibration development
Name| Liam Quinn
What would you like to share| Software
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software
Name| Jaime Rosado
What would you like to share| Ideas
My pitch|Ideas on the consolidation of a common format for event based experiments
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Software, data formats, DL3
Name| Stephen Serjeant
What would you like to share| How to make a citizen science experiment
My pitch| Let's crowdsource a project in real time
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, citizen science, machine learning
Name| Rob Smets
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Optical Transport Network Architect
Name| Vladislav Stolyarov
What would you like to share| Data processing techniques used in Planck and WMAP experiments can be reused in the future projects. During my work in Planck project I've participated in component separation and point source detection software development that can be adapted for the next-generation radio astronomy experiments.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Radio astronomy, data processing, component separation in cosmology, point source detection.
Name| Arpad Szomoru
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| WP5 leader
Name| Harro Verkouter
What would you like to share| Transporting gigabytes of data between continents is not as easy as you think, even if you have a 10Gbps network connection. A better protocol and a newly developed tool might improve on this.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, networking
Name| Stelios Voutsinas
What would you like to share| Available VO Tools and infrastructure, participate in discussion on evolution of IVOA standards
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| software, VO tools
Name| Sebastiaan van der Tol
What would you like to share| Experience with mapping the gridding algorithm used in radio astronomy onto GPUs
My pitch|Traditionally algorithms are designed to compute a result in as few compute operations as possible. Mapping such algorithms onto massively parallel hardware leads to sub-optimal performance, because memory access, not computation, is the limiting factor. Redesigning algorithms to reduce memory access, even if this leads to an increase in the number of operations by a large factor, can result in better performance.
Questions for the community| Are there more algorithms out there that, on modern hardware, are limited by memory access? Let's discuss whether these can be transformed into less memory, but more compute intensive algorithms.
Profile tags| astronomer, data scientist,
Name| Thomas Vuillaume
What would you like to share| Research: GammaLearn: Deep Learning for CTA
My pitch|The GammaLearn project: Deep Learning applied to CTA.
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| astronomer, data scientist
Name| Jayesh Wagh
What would you like to share|
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| Project Manager
Name| Roy Williams
What would you like to share| Experience with delivering astronomical alerts over Kafka, using the Avro format for serialising.
My pitch| The VOEvent standard has worked well for 12 years in transmitting real-time astronomical alerts. However new protocols are on the horizon for the new, high-output surveys (ZTF, LSST), and the standard should adapt both semantically and syntactically.
Questions for the community| How to build an algorithm for selection and annotation of astronomical events, first using a past archive of events for development, then attach that same algorithm to a running real-time stream.
Profile tags| VO standards astronomical events multimessenger astronomy data portals and Jupyter
Name| Ralf Wischnewski
What would you like to share| Experience with WR in distributed, remotely operated DAQ-systems with precision time requirements. Dedicated new WR-node developments. WRS-GrandMaster solutions.
My pitch|
Questions for the community|
Profile tags| White Rabbit