Jun 5 – 9, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

In the late spring of 2023, from 5-9 June, JIVE will be hosting the third edition of the CASA VLBI workshop. The aim of this workshop is to train participants on data processing and imaging of VLBI observations with the CASA package. Though the focus will be on continuum astronomical experiments, other applications of VLBI will be discussed. Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of radio interferometry, but do not need to be experts. Introductory lectures on VLBI and CASA will be part of the programme.

The programme will consist of lectures and hands-on work, in a roughly 50/50 division. The lecture topics include basic VLBI calibration, imaging and self-calibration, as well as more advanced topics like polarization calibration, spectral line and wide-field experiments.


For the practical work we expect the participants to bring their own laptop with a working version of CASA 6 and, optionally, their own data. Support for EVN, e-MERLIN and LOFAR data will be available on site, but participants are welcome to bring any VLBI dataset of their choice. 

This 2023 workshop edition will be in hybrid format. All lectures will be live-streamed and recorded. A messaging service will be available for all participants for discussions and questions. However, the hands-on data processing will only be done in-person. Registration is mandatory for both in-person and online participants. Please note that there is a cap of 50 participants for in-person participation.


The event is over.


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This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004719.

Oude Hoogeveensedjik 4 7991PD Dwingeloo The Netherlands