Oct 23 – 26, 2018
Postdoc Centre, Eddington
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Third ASTERICS-OBELICS Workshop : New paths in data analysis and open data provision in Astronomy and Astroparticle Physics
23-26 October 2018, Cambridge, UK.

This workshop is organized in the framework of OBELICS (Observatory E-environments LINked by common ChallengeS) work package of H2020-ASTERICS. OBELICS activities aim at encouraging common developments and adoption of common solutions for data processing, archive, analysis and access among ESFRI and world class projects in Astronomy and Astroparticle Physics, such as CTA, SKA, KM3NeT, EUCLID, LSST, EGO-Virgo, E-ELT.

The ASTERICS – OBELICS workshops aim at building bridges between ESFRI projects, concerned scientific communities, e-infrastructures, industries and consortia. The 3rd ASTERICS – OBELICS Workshop will survey the development of new software analysis methods in Astronomy and Astroparticle Physics. Follow-up discussions about potential connections between the ESFRI projects and the implementation of EOSC will be part of the programme.

This third edition of the workshop is being organised by the French CNRS LAPP (Laboratoire d’Annecy de Physique de Particules) laboratory, the leading OBELICS institute and hosted locally by the University of Cambridge, UK one of the partner of H2020-ASTERICS project.
Postdoc Centre, Eddington
Postdoc Centre @ Eddington 105 Eddington Place Cambridge CB3 1AS Tel: +44 (0)1223 336661