Scientific Programme
Towards the end of the decade new research infrastructures in the field of Astronomy and Astroparticle physics will enter in operation bringing the discipline from the noise-hunting regime to the generation of large data sets. Data production needs large computing resources, intensive simulation and large storage space, multi-messengers’ data archives systems and corresponding services for wide and open accessibility and effective data mining. The computing and data models of future research projects rely on deployment of scalable, distributed non-homogeneous resources and need to be built upon the state of the art ICT and adaptable and evolving workflow management systems.
In this 3rd workshop we will follow up on the discussions that took place in the previous editions of ASTERICS-OBELICS workshops.
For more information on previous editions of workshop please visit
- First ASTERICS-OBELICS Workshop, Rome, Italy, Dec 2016
- Second ASTERICS-OBELICS Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 2017
In this workshop we will present and discuss the developments of new software analysis approaches (e.g. Bayesian statistics, AI and Machine Learning) developed within the ASTERICS partner ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics. We shall also explore potential links with similar developments in other scientific domains.
Who should attend?
- Astronomy ESFRI and World-class facilities managers and officers
- European astronomers and researchers active in the Asterics ESFRI projects
- Researchers, PhD students and post-docs from the particle physics and other scientific domains
- The EOSC community: EOSC Pilot, EOSC Hub and EOSC HLEG representatives
- Industry actors in the field of software, storage, big data, consulting companies
- Funding Agencies (in the APPEC and ASTRONET consortia), international organizations (including EIROForum) and Public Administrations
Choose your day
Day 1, 23 October 2018: OBELICS contribution to the astronomy ESFRI projects
As H2020-ASTERICS project will conclude in May 2019, we will present an overview of software and services produced by WP3-OBELICS for astronomy ESFRI projects over the last four years to external participants from EOSC, other H2020 projects, industrial participants. The opening day will also discuss steps forward draft the blue print report of the OBELICS workpackage. We will also invite industrial partners of OBELICS workpackage to present their respective projects in collaboration with OBELICS members.
Day 2, 24 October 2018: Machine Learning in astronomy and astroparticle physics
Machine learning is rapidly changing data analysis in many domains and has entered the Astronomy and Astroparticle physics. Following the positive response for Machine Learning session in the second edition of the OBELICS workshop, we will continue to explore novel approaches in Machine Learning adopted by the astronomy and astroparticle physics projects since then. This day present updates, experience and lessons learnt from ESFRI partners during the adoption of Machine Learning techniques. Latest developements on bayesian statistics methods applied to astronomy will also be presented. ASETRICS developments and partnerships with industries will be surveyed. The ESFRI and other world-class research projects supported by ASTERICS will attend and present their own work on this matter. Invited talk from other scientific communities is expected. This session will be an opportunity to discuss new paths/common approaches to minimize the explorative efforts from all and optimize a shared know-how to advance in deep-learning analysis methods in a multi-messengers context. In such a context the workshop will be the occasion for scientists and technologists to share competences and to discuss new paths/common approaches to minimize the explorative efforts from all and optimize a shared know-how to advance in deep-learning analysis and bayesian methods for astronomical and particle physics data.
Day 3, 25 October 2018: Implementing the European Open Science Cloud
This edition of the workshop will try to throw light on the technical aspects of the European Open Science Cloud. It will also update the astronomy and astroparticle physics community on the implementation roadmap. There will be presentations from EOSC-hub providing an overview on the project status and plans, presentation of service catalogue. Rules of participation for service providers will be discussed through EOSCpilot outcomes and EOSC-hub experience. These discussions will be complemented by the long-term sustainability of the OBELICS scientific software repository, the added value of partnerships with industries will be reviewed and discussed. Invited talks will provide a view on the current EOSC-HUB and EOSC-Pilot projects as well as on the new funded projects (such as OCRE and ESCAPE) selected under European Commission’s call entitled “IMPLEMENTING THE EUROPEAN OPEN SCIENCE CLOUD”. OBELICS experience with industrial cooperation will also be discussed.
Day 4, 26 October 2018: Shaping EOSC with Machine Learning and common services
The concluding day of the workshop will feature following two panel discussions
- EOSC & Machine Learning
- Supporting EOSC with common service and software developed from astronomy ESFRI projects
- Laboratoire d'Annecy de physique des particules, France
- Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Netherlands
- The National Institute for Astrophysics, Italy
- The National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy
- University of Cambridge, UK
- The Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC, Netherlands
- The Institute of High Energy Physics, Spain
- The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France
- The Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
- The Center for particle physics of Marseilles, France
- The Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Astroparticule Cosmologie, France
- The Institut d'astrophysique de Paris, France