23–26 Oct 2018
Postdoc Centre, Eddington
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Machine Learning applications in Gravitational Wave research

24 Oct 2018, 09:00
Postdoc Centre, Eddington

Postdoc Centre, Eddington

Postdoc Centre @ Eddington 105 Eddington Place Cambridge CB3 1AS Tel: +44 (0)1223 336661


Dr Elena Cuoco


Noise of non-astrophysical origin contaminates science data taken by the gravitational-wave detectors. Characterization of instrumental and environmental noise has proven critical in identifying false positives in the first observing runs. In this context the application of different machine learning methods can help in achieving, for example, a fast classification of transient events to disentangle noise from gravitational signals helping a fast real time analysis. Moreover, these approaches could be used to disentangle Gravitational signals from noise. Deep Learning techniques could even be used to the aim of non linear noise cancellation to condition the data before any detection algorithm will be used and there are promising on-going studies on simulated data.

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