23–26 Oct 2018
Postdoc Centre, Eddington
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Interactive group discussion - Shaping the European Open Science Cloud service roadmap

25 Oct 2018, 11:25
Postdoc Centre, Eddington

Postdoc Centre, Eddington

Postdoc Centre @ Eddington 105 Eddington Place Cambridge CB3 1AS Tel: +44 (0)1223 336661


Dr Bjorn BackebergDr J B Raymond Oonk Matthew Viljoen (EGI Foundation)Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI Foundation)


During this session representatives from the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will introduce EOSC and provide an overview of existing services and then engage with the Asterics meeting participants in an interactive world cafe-style session on prospective future service provisioning, access models and concrete services that the RI would like to bring into EOSC. EOSC is an ambitious initiative aiming at the federation of existing and planned digital infrastructures for research. It seeks to remove barriers among disciplines and countries and make it easier for researchers to share and access the digital resources they need. Looking forward to the evolution of EOSC, it is essential to understand and prioritise what services are most needed and that should be added to the future EOSC service portfolio and importantly, what criteria are to be used for uptake in the service portfolio. The goal of this session is to take advantage of the collective knowledge of the audience to extract high-level needs for services and identify priorities for the coming years to develop a service roadmap. The outcome of the session will help us draw a more detailed picture of the European Open Science Cloud roadmap, and the services that ESFRI RIs, such as Asterics, would need and bring into it.

Primary authors

Dr Bjorn Backeberg Dr J B Raymond Oonk Matthew Viljoen (EGI Foundation) Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI Foundation)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.