Jun 4 – 6, 2024
CEDEX, Madrid
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Remote Access

The meeting will be in person and we encourage participants to be present in Madrid. If travel is not possible, please use the following links for remote participation.


4 June 

All-hands meeting

Meeting ID: 336 487 867 583
Passcode: pCyzoi


5 June

General Assembly (Board Meeting. One representative for each partner)

Meeting ID: 353 489 249 299
Passcode: PccYpW

Morning session

Meeting ID: 371 466 226 712
Passcode: CNxt9P


Afternoon session

WP4 splinters:
Join by web (Chrome only): https://zoom.us/wc/join/5576910248
Join by Microsoft Teams: https://astron.zoom.us/skype/5576910248
Meeting id: 557 691 0248
Password Personal Meeting Room: 456850

6 June

WP 2

Join the meeting (teams)

Meeting ID: 382 747 117 540
Passcode: bYQzTN

WP 3

Meeting ID: 315 175 226 438
Passcode: ke6ZxP


Join by web (Chrome only): https://zoom.us/wc/join/5576910248
Join by Microsoft Teams: https://astron.zoom.us/skype/5576910248
Meeting id: 557 691 0248
Password Personal Meeting Room: 456850