Brian Matthews
(Leader, Data Science and Technology Group ,Scientific Computing Department, Science and Technology Facilities Council)
The presentation will provide an overview of the EOSC-Pilot project. This project is a pathfinder project
for the European Open Science Cloud which brings together research institutes, research infrastructures and
e-infrastructure providers together to explore how to set the direction for the EOSC, making
recommendations on how what the EOSC should provide, how the EOSC should operate and how it might change science.
· Recommend a governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice;
· Recommend an architecture to support the provision of common services and allow the interoperability of data and services;
· Explore how to develop people and organisations so that best practise in open-science can be propagated;
· Develop a number of demonstrators functioning as high-profile pilots that integrate services and infrastructures to show interoperability and its benefits in a number of scientific domains;
A key feature of the project is a wider engagement with a broad range of stakeholders, crossing borders and communities, to build the trust and skills required for adoption of an open approach to scientific research.
Primary author
Brian Matthews
(Leader, Data Science and Technology Group ,Scientific Computing Department, Science and Technology Facilities Council)