List of Speakers & Panelists
Designation: CERN IT Department
Bio: Robert Jones is a leader of the Helix Nebula initiative (, a public private partnership to explore the use of commercial cloud services for science applications. He is the coordinator for the HNSciCloud Horizon 2020 Pre-Commercial Procurement project ( which is procuring innovative cloud services to establish a cloud platform the European research community. HNSciCloud builds on the results of the Procurement Innovation for Cloud Service in Europe (PICSE project that raised awareness of procurement of cloud services for the public sector. Bob also participates in the EIROforum IT Working Group ( and is the editor of the recently published series of e-infrastructure documents ( Bob was until recently the head of the CERN openlab project ( which is a unique public-private partnership between CERN and leading ICT companies. Its mission is to accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions to be used by the worldwide Large Hadron Collider (LHC) community. His experience in the distributed computing arena includes mandates as the technical director and then project director of the EGEE projects (2004-2010) which led to the creation of EGI (
Name: Silvana Muscella
Name: Rob van der Meer
Bio: Robert Jones is a leader of the Helix Nebula initiative (, a public private partnership to explore the use of commercial cloud services for science applications. He is the coordinator for the HNSciCloud Horizon 2020 Pre-Commercial Procurement project ( which is procuring innovative cloud services to establish a cloud platform the European research community. HNSciCloud builds on the results of the Procurement Innovation for Cloud Service in Europe (PICSE project that raised awareness of procurement of cloud services for the public sector. Bob also participates in the EIROforum IT Working Group ( and is the editor of the recently published series of e-infrastructure documents ( Bob was until recently the head of the CERN openlab project ( which is a unique public-private partnership between CERN and leading ICT companies. Its mission is to accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions to be used by the worldwide Large Hadron Collider (LHC) community. His experience in the distributed computing arena includes mandates as the technical director and then project director of the EGEE projects (2004-2010) which led to the creation of EGI (
Designation: Chair, High Level Expert Group on European Open Science Cloud ,
Bio: Silvana Muscella is CEO & founder of Trust-IT Services & co-founder of COMMPLA, a SW house that delivers multichannel software solutions to commercial clients. She tackles high-level strategy building, business acquisition, coordination and strategic marketing and communication developments in ICT, namely in cloud computing tools & services & cybersecurity, ICT in energy efficiency. Played an instrumental role in connecting stakeholders around standardisation efforts in distributed computing (namely, IEEE, ETSI, OGF, SNIA, DMTF, OASIS, ITU-T). Contributed to the EC’s Cloud Expert Group Roadmap on future research priorities & the ETSI Cloud Standards Coordination & and the C-SIG on SLAs. Chair of the EOSC HLEG [2017-2018], member of the Green Grid, IEEE InterCloud Computing Initiative & ACM Professional Member. Served as at-large director for OGF. External Expert Evaluator for the European Commission since 2009.
Name: Brian Matthews
Name: Tiziana Ferrari
Designation: Leader, Data Science and Technology Group ,Scientific Computing Department, Science and Technology Facilities Council
Bio: Brian Matthews is the Leader, Data Science and Technology Group, Scientific Computing Department,
Science and Technology Facilities Council, and is the project manager of the European Open Science Cloud Pilot project. He has 30 years of experience of research and development in computer science
and its application to scientific computing.
Science and Technology Facilities Council, and is the project manager of the European Open Science Cloud Pilot project. He has 30 years of experience of research and development in computer science
and its application to scientific computing.
Designation: Technical Director, EGI
Bio: Tiziana is Technical Director at the EGI Foundation since October 2013 and Technical Coordinator of the H2020 EGI flagship project funded by the EC: EGI-Engage. She was responsible for the direction of the EGI-InSPIRE project and was former Chief Operations Officer taking care of the operations coordination of EGI. She is a promoter of the Open Science Commons and participated in the definition of the EGI governance and service portfolio in the framework of the EGI_DS project. She has been involved in grid operations since 2007 contributing to the coordination of operations for the Italian Grid infrastructure. Tiziana holds a PhD in Electronics and Data Communications Engineering from the Universita’ degli Studi in Bologna.
Designation: Programme officer European Collaboration, ASTRON
Bio: Rob is the ASTRON responsible for coordinating proposal, start up, and running of European H2020 projects. He holds a PhD in nuclear physics and has worked in astronomy and astroparticle physics as scientist and project manager. He took care of the start up of the office in Amsterdam and the EGI-InSPIRE project. He is currently manager of the projects ASTERICS and AENEAS and leading the start up phase of the EOSC Pilot activities in the LOFAR Pilot and the EOSC Hub activities of ASTRON.
Bio: Rob is the ASTRON responsible for coordinating proposal, start up, and running of European H2020 projects. He holds a PhD in nuclear physics and has worked in astronomy and astroparticle physics as scientist and project manager. He took care of the start up of the office in Amsterdam and the EGI-InSPIRE project. He is currently manager of the projects ASTERICS and AENEAS and leading the start up phase of the EOSC Pilot activities in the LOFAR Pilot and the EOSC Hub activities of ASTRON.
Designation: Researcher
Bio: Cristiano Bozza is the National INFN Responsible for H2020-ASTERICS. He is a Researcher in the fields of cosmic rays, machine learning for data reconstruction and classification and large-scale relational Databases. Directly involved in the creation of CORELib (a library of cosmic ray events of general interest in particle astronomy), ROAst (ROOT extensions for ASTronomy) and machine learning techniques for particle identification and classification that are suitable for several, if not all, astroparticle observatories. In particular, he considers the field of machine learning by neural networks and highly parallel computing to be strategic even beyond the scope of ASTERICS. He is trying to attract and train expertise on these subject for future projects.
Email: cbozza@UNISA.IT
Bio: Cristiano Bozza is the National INFN Responsible for H2020-ASTERICS. He is a Researcher in the fields of cosmic rays, machine learning for data reconstruction and classification and large-scale relational Databases. Directly involved in the creation of CORELib (a library of cosmic ray events of general interest in particle astronomy), ROAst (ROOT extensions for ASTronomy) and machine learning techniques for particle identification and classification that are suitable for several, if not all, astroparticle observatories. In particular, he considers the field of machine learning by neural networks and highly parallel computing to be strategic even beyond the scope of ASTERICS. He is trying to attract and train expertise on these subject for future projects.
Email: cbozza@UNISA.IT
Designation: Project Leader, Common Workflow Language project
Bio: Michael R. Crusoe is one of the co-founders of the CWL project and is the CWL Community Engineer. His facilitation, technical contributions, and training on behalf of the project draw from his time as the former lead developer of C. Titus Brown's k-h-mer project, his previous career as a sysadmin and programmer, and his experiences in various Free and Open Source Software communities. This is not Michael's first time working on a standards project as he was the technical author of the International Labour Organization's Seafarers' Identity Card (2003) standard which is in force and ratified by 32 countries. Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Michael has been based out of Europe for the last two years where he has enjoyed partnering with ELIXIR and other European research networks to build collaborations across that continent and across the world. When not traveling to promote and improve CWL, Michael lives with his husband in their new home city: Vilnius, Lithuania.
Name: Ian Bird
Bio: Michael R. Crusoe is one of the co-founders of the CWL project and is the CWL Community Engineer. His facilitation, technical contributions, and training on behalf of the project draw from his time as the former lead developer of C. Titus Brown's k-h-mer project, his previous career as a sysadmin and programmer, and his experiences in various Free and Open Source Software communities. This is not Michael's first time working on a standards project as he was the technical author of the International Labour Organization's Seafarers' Identity Card (2003) standard which is in force and ratified by 32 countries. Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Michael has been based out of Europe for the last two years where he has enjoyed partnering with ELIXIR and other European research networks to build collaborations across that continent and across the world. When not traveling to promote and improve CWL, Michael lives with his husband in their new home city: Vilnius, Lithuania.
Designation: WLCG Project Head
Bio: Dr. Ian Bird is currently the CERN Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid Project Leader, and also has responsibility in the CERN IT Department for all Physics Computing activities. He joined CERN in 2002 to participate in the LCG project to set up and deploy the worldwide grid in support of LHC computing.
Prior to joining CERN he spent 6 years at Jefferson Lab in Virginia, USA, where he was head of the computing group and responsible for all aspects of computing for the laboratory. His background and Ph.D. are in particle physics, and he has many years experience in software and computing for High Energy Physics experiments as well as in data analysis. Current research interests are in the areas of applying modern technologies to the management of distributed computing and distributed multi-petabyte scale data volumes for particle physics.
Name: Jamie Shiers
Designation: EOSCpilot-DPHEP coordinator, Information Technology Department, CERN
Bio: Dr. Ian Bird is currently the CERN Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid Project Leader, and also has responsibility in the CERN IT Department for all Physics Computing activities. He joined CERN in 2002 to participate in the LCG project to set up and deploy the worldwide grid in support of LHC computing.
Prior to joining CERN he spent 6 years at Jefferson Lab in Virginia, USA, where he was head of the computing group and responsible for all aspects of computing for the laboratory. His background and Ph.D. are in particle physics, and he has many years experience in software and computing for High Energy Physics experiments as well as in data analysis. Current research interests are in the areas of applying modern technologies to the management of distributed computing and distributed multi-petabyte scale data volumes for particle physics.
Designation: EOSCpilot-DPHEP coordinator, Information Technology Department, CERN
Bio: Jamie Shiers is currently manager of the Data Preservation for Long-Term Analysis in High Energy Physics (DPHEP) project that involves all of the major High Energy Physics (HEP) laboratories and experiments worldwide and collaborates actively with other disciplines. DPHEP is focusing on solutions to long-term (multi-decade) exa-scale data preservation.
Website: or
Website: or
Designation: CEO, Orobix Srl
Bio: Luca is the CEO at Orobix Srl, an engineering company building systems powered by artificial intelligence. He received a PhD in Bioengineering in 2002 from the Politecnico di Milano and was a Post Doc at the Imaging Research Laboratories of the Robarts Research Institute in London, Ontario until 2004. He worked as the Head of the Medical Imaging Unit at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research until 2009, when he co-founded Orobix. He actively participates to open source projects, as lead of the Vascular Modeling Toolkit and contributor to PyTorch, an increasingly popular deep learning framework.
Name: Paul Alexander
Name: Miles Deegan
Name: Francois Lanusse
Bio: Luca is the CEO at Orobix Srl, an engineering company building systems powered by artificial intelligence. He received a PhD in Bioengineering in 2002 from the Politecnico di Milano and was a Post Doc at the Imaging Research Laboratories of the Robarts Research Institute in London, Ontario until 2004. He worked as the Head of the Medical Imaging Unit at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research until 2009, when he co-founded Orobix. He actively participates to open source projects, as lead of the Vascular Modeling Toolkit and contributor to PyTorch, an increasingly popular deep learning framework.
Name: Paul Alexander
Designation: Director of the Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics
Bio: To be updated
Bio: To be updated
Designation: SKA Organisation
Bio: For the past four years Miles Deegan has worked in the SKA Organisation’s Computing and Software Group as Domain Specialist in High Performance Computing/Data Analytics. He is a quantum chemist by training and has worked in the HPC industry for over 20 years.
Name: Francoise Genoa
Bio: For the past four years Miles Deegan has worked in the SKA Organisation’s Computing and Software Group as Domain Specialist in High Performance Computing/Data Analytics. He is a quantum chemist by training and has worked in the HPC industry for over 20 years.
Designation: Workpackage Leader - Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability (WP4-ASTERICS)
Bio: Francoise Genova has been the director of the Strasbourg astronomical data centre CDS from 1995 to 2015, one of the founding parents of the astronomical Virtual Observatory, and the coordinator of several European projects which organised the European participation in the Virtual Observatory. She currently leads the "Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability" Work Package of ASTERICS, which aims at optimizing the usage of the data from the astronomical large projects through the Virtual Observatory. She is a member of the Horizon2020 Commission expert group on Turning FAIR data into reality, an active member of the RDA, in particular as member of the RDA Technical Advisory Board (co-chair since October 2015), and of the RDA Europe projects.
Bio: Francoise Genova has been the director of the Strasbourg astronomical data centre CDS from 1995 to 2015, one of the founding parents of the astronomical Virtual Observatory, and the coordinator of several European projects which organised the European participation in the Virtual Observatory. She currently leads the "Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability" Work Package of ASTERICS, which aims at optimizing the usage of the data from the astronomical large projects through the Virtual Observatory. She is a member of the Horizon2020 Commission expert group on Turning FAIR data into reality, an active member of the RDA, in particular as member of the RDA Technical Advisory Board (co-chair since October 2015), and of the RDA Europe projects.
Designation: Carnegie Mellon University
Bio: Francois is a postdoctoral researcher in cosmology at Carnegie Mellon University and member of the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC). Most of his current research is focused on exploring new applications of the latest machine learning and statistical signal processing techniques for future large scale surveys (in particular LSST and Euclid). He holds a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Paris-Saclay University as well as an engineering degree from CentraleSupelec.
Website: , and
Name: Elena Cuoco
Bio: Francois is a postdoctoral researcher in cosmology at Carnegie Mellon University and member of the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC). Most of his current research is focused on exploring new applications of the latest machine learning and statistical signal processing techniques for future large scale surveys (in particular LSST and Euclid). He holds a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Paris-Saclay University as well as an engineering degree from CentraleSupelec.
Website: , and
Designation: European gravitational observatory
Bio: Data Scientist at European Gravitational Observatory, Elena Cuoco is a physicists working since 1995 on data analysis and data characterization for Virgo experiment. Her research as data analyst deal with data preprocessing and data conditioning (on ResearchGate). Moreover since 2014 she is the Scientific Coordinator of European Project GraWIToN. Apart from the academic and research stuff, she is machine learning passionate and participated to Kaggle competitions, gaining the badge as Kaggle Master.
Website: and
Bio: Data Scientist at European Gravitational Observatory, Elena Cuoco is a physicists working since 1995 on data analysis and data characterization for Virgo experiment. Her research as data analyst deal with data preprocessing and data conditioning (on ResearchGate). Moreover since 2014 she is the Scientific Coordinator of European Project GraWIToN. Apart from the academic and research stuff, she is machine learning passionate and participated to Kaggle competitions, gaining the badge as Kaggle Master.
Website: and
Designation: ECAP - University of Erlangen
Bio: Stefan has studied Computational Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. He has Ph.D. in physics from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. He has worked on data analysis, machine learning and deep learning for neutrino astronomy.
Name: Dr Daniele Gregori
Bio: Stefan has studied Computational Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. He has Ph.D. in physics from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. He has worked on data analysis, machine learning and deep learning for neutrino astronomy.
Designation: Scientific Coordinator, E4 Computer Engineering
Bio: Daniele Gregori is the Scientific Coordinator of E4 Computer Engineering and he currently deals withHPC systems development, configuration and automation. He worked at INFN Bologna for 3 years in collaboration with LHCb, for 7 years at INFN-CNAF Tier1 computing centre and he is author of more than 40 papers published in scientific and technical journals. He achieved his Ph.D. in Physics at Università di Bologna, focusing his attention on LHCb Control and Monitoring System.
Bio: Daniele Gregori is the Scientific Coordinator of E4 Computer Engineering and he currently deals withHPC systems development, configuration and automation. He worked at INFN Bologna for 3 years in collaboration with LHCb, for 7 years at INFN-CNAF Tier1 computing centre and he is author of more than 40 papers published in scientific and technical journals. He achieved his Ph.D. in Physics at Università di Bologna, focusing his attention on LHCb Control and Monitoring System.