Ian Bird
The upgrades of the LHC and its large detectors, planned for the middle of the next decade (the HL-LHC project), will pose significant new challenges for the computing and data infrastructure. HL-LHC will produce several Exabytes of scientific data per year, and will require some 20 M cores of processing power. The WLCG community is investigating potential changes to the computing models and distributed computing infrastructure that will be needed to meet those challenges over the coming years. In particular, it will address how to create a data infrastructure at the Exabyte scale, that is able to manage and process data in an effective way. This will be done in collaboration with other very large data science projects, and the results could form the basis of a data infrastructure for EOSC. The talk will review some of the lessons learned from the experience in WLCG, and discuss some of the ideas being suggested for the future.
Primary author
Ian Bird