16–19 Oct 2017
Casa Convalescència
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

DL3: An open high-level data format for gamma-ray astronomy (D-GEX)

16 Oct 2017, 10:05
Casa Convalescència

Casa Convalescència

Casa Convalescència Sant Antoni Mª Claret, 171 08041 Barcelona, Spain


Dr Tarek Hassan (IFAE)


The VHE gamma-ray astronomy is evolving with CTA away from the old model of collaboration-led experiments towards that of a public observatory, where guest observers will submit observation proposals and have access to the corresponding data, software for scientific analysis and support services. We believe the open high-level data format (DL3) currently being developed for CTA (see [open-dl3]) could be extended to be used by all Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) and possibly other high energy observatories (e.g. water cherenkov detectors or even neutrino telescopes). Following similar initiatives within other IACTs, we developed a test pipeline to convert MAGIC data products into the DL3 format as a testbed. These tools are currently being used to test and extend the proposed open DL3 format and future CTA science tools, such as ctools or gammaPy.

Primary author

Dr Tarek Hassan (IFAE)

Presentation materials