16–19 Oct 2017
Casa Convalescència
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A&A activities under OBELICS with links to AARC2 and other EU projects (D-ANA)

16 Oct 2017, 12:05
Casa Convalescència

Casa Convalescència

Casa Convalescència Sant Antoni Mª Claret, 171 08041 Barcelona, Spain


Dr Sonia Zorba


The first part of the presentation (<10') will be given by Fabio and will summarise OBELICS A&A activities as delivered in D3.10, with links towards the EGI-Engage EU project. This will be followed by a presentation (10') given by Sonia Zorba of INAF-OATs on SKA and links to AENEAS. The final part (10' given by Alessandro) will discuss CTA and its links towards AARC2 as an opportunity to get the most benefit from AARC2-OBELICS cooperation.


Dr Sonia Zorba

Presentation materials