15–17 May 2023
WestCord WTC hotel Leeuwarden
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Opening up the decameter radio band with LOFAR

17 May 2023, 13:00


Christian Groeneveld (Leiden Observatory)


The Decameter radio band (< 30 MHz) has been scarcily explored since the inception of radio astronomy, largely due to the perturbing effects of the ionosphere. However, the decameter wavelength band is an important part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In particular, decameter observations of radio halos in galaxy clusters will allow us to constrain the particle reaccerlation mechanisms responsible for the bright and extended synchrotron emission. With the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), we are able to observe the decameter wavelength band with unprecedented detail and sensitivity, opening up a new spectral window for observations. In this talk, we will present current LOFAR decameter observations, in particular of radio halos in galaxy clusters. We will specifically discuss how LOFAR corrects for the severe perturbing effects of the ionosphere at decameter wavelenghts, and the current plans for expansion to a full northern-sky survey.

Primary author

Christian Groeneveld (Leiden Observatory)

Presentation materials

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