May 15 – 17, 2023
WestCord WTC hotel Leeuwarden
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Venue and travel

NAC2023 goes Fryslân! The NAC2023 conference will be held at the WestCord WTC hotel in Leeuwarden. Address: Heliconweg 52, 8914 AT Leeuwarden. 


Hotel accommodation at Westcord WTC hotel is included in the conference fee. Arrival Monday 15 May, departure 17 May. 

Please note: the Westcord hotel is fully booked by the LOC and cannot be booked by participants.

After 6 April (late registration deadline), the LOC can no longer book the hotel accommodation. Participants are kindly requested to book their own accommodation, if desired. The fee for participation without hotel is 200 Euros. Hotel suggestion: Oranje hotel, 1.5 km from conference venue and opposite the train station. 

  • PhD and Master students are expected to share a double room: 
    • When you register, please give your gender to be able to assign the room sharing. 
    • If you already know the name of your room mate, you can mention this when you register for NAC23. If not known yet during registration, please email the LOC about this rather sooner than later once you have found a room mate. You should both email the LOC so we know this is agreed upon!
  • If you need an additional night besides 15-16 May: please arrange this yourself directly with the hotel. This is at your own costs.  

Route to Westcord WTC hotel

  • To reach the hotel by public transport, please check the public transport planner:  By bus, it is only 5-10 minutes from Leeuwarden train station to the hotel.
  • Walking: approx. 20 minutes walk from Leeuwarden train station to the hotel.
  • By car, route is below. Parking at the hotel is for free on parkings B2 and B3 (next to the hotel). Take a parking ticket at the entrance bar. This card can be scanned at the hotel reception. After scanning the card, this will become a one-time exit card.
    • From Drachten/Groningen: follow the A7 en N31 direction Harlingen, take the exit direction Wergea, Leeuwarden Oost and follow the signs WTC. The Westcord hotel is situated next to Holland Casino and WTC Expo. 
    • From Zwolle/Heerenveen: coming from the A28 follow the A32 direction Leeuwarden. Follow the N31 richting Harlingen, take exit 23 Leeuwarden Noord and follow the signs WTC. The Westcord hotel is situated next to Holland Casino and WTC Expo. 
    • From Harlingen/Amsterdam: follow the signs A7 or E22 direction Leeuwarden, follow the N31 direction Drachten/Heerenveen, take exit 23 Leeuwarden Noord and follow the signs WTC. The Westcord hotel is situated next to Holland Casino and WTC Expo.