AENEAS All-hands meeting 11-14 November 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Spoor 2, 3, 4. (Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre)
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
The 5th and final AENEAS All-hands meeting 11-14 November 2019 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Start mid-day with lunch on 11 November. Finish after lunch on 14 November. Please register before 28 October 2019.
For cost reasons, the meeting will not be streamed.
The Local Organising Committee are Rob van der Meer and Marjan Tibbe.
SESSION 4 WP4: SKA AND SRC NETWORKING AND DATA MOVEMENT. Best practice recommendations for data moving applications, protocols & storage - Simon Casey (OSO) and Jimmy Cullen (U Manchester). NOTE: WP4 joint presentation is uploaded at all these WP4 topics..Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Site Catalogue of the Storage and Network Capabilities - Matteo Stagni & Domenico Vicinanza (IRA-INAF)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Report on Data Transport Tests and Recommendations - Shaun Amy (CSIRO) & Siju Mammen (SANReN)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Architecture & cost model for the European & World-wide SRC networks - Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Summary of WP4 recommendations & costs - Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
MeerKAT data transport & processing (t.b.c.) - Yan Grange (ASTRON)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
BreakSpoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
11:20 SESSION 5 WP5: ACCESS AND KNOWLEDGE CREATION. Report of AENEAS WP5 Access and Knowledge Creation - Marcella Massardi (IRA-INAF)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Archival user interfaces in (radio)astronomy towards the SKA - Vincenzo Galluzzi (Trieste-INAF)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Visualization tools and user gateway - Alessandro Costa (Catania-INAF)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Dealing with data complexity as astronomy approaches Big Data - Sandra Burkutean (IRA-INAF)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Open Science and collaborative approach for users - Julian Garrido (IAA-CSIC)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
LunchSpoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
SESSION 6 WP6: SERVICES. General overview of AENEAS WP6 Activities - Matthew Viljoen (EGI)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Applying the AARC Blueprint to astro applications - Jouke Roorda (Nikhef) & Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
BreakSpoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
SESSION 7 WP2: SRC DESIGN, GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS MODELS. AENEAS WP2 ESDC Design, Governance and Business Models - Michiel van Haarlem (ASTRON)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Discussion on SRC Design and GovernanceSpoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands
AENEAS General Assembly (Closed meeting)Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Spoor 2, 3, 4.
Inntel hotel Utrecht Centre
Smakkelaarshoek 24
3511 EC Utrecht
the Netherlands