7th LOFAR Data School, 15-19 April 2024





Aim of school

The aim of the School is to introduce the LOFAR system to new members of the LOFAR community who will analyze both interferometric and high time resolution beamformed LOFAR data. Students, postdocs, and staff are all encouraged to attend. The School will cover the many (advanced) aspects of the LOFAR system, including the software pipelines and their science products. Lectures and demos will be presented by members of the LOFAR project team as well as staff from the many institutions involved in the collaboration. Participants will have the choice of following demos on beamformed or interferometric data reduction. Online material will also be provided for offline hands-on data processing sessions. Interaction and networking between participants and lecturers will be promoted via Q&A sessions as well as team building activities. Remote participation will not be offered.


Minimum requirements for participants

Presentations will be given at a level appropriate for someone familiar with the LOFAR system and data products. Familiarity with standard data processing software such as CASA will be useful, but not required. Minimum requirements are that the participants have gone over the introductory topics provided online, as well as that they are familiar with scripting languages, in particular Python. Parallel sessions regarding advanced topics are planned. The school language will be English.


Event support
    • 09:00 09:30
      Registration 30m
    • 09:30 14:00
      Science opportunities & instrument capabilities; data discovery & access
    • 14:00 18:00
      IF data editing techniques - I
      • 14:00
        Systematic (instrumental & external) effects in LOFAR data: inspection & removal - I 1h 30m
        Speakers: Dr Maaijke Mevius, Christian Groeneveld
      • 15:30
        Coffee break 30m
      • 16:00
        Systematic (instrumental & external) effects in LOFAR data: inspection & removal - II 30m
        Speakers: Dr Christian Groeneveld, Dr Maaijke Mevius
      • 16:30
        Low frequency (self-) calibration 30m
        Speaker: Dr Reinout van Weeren
      • 17:00
        Q&A Session 1h
    • 18:00 20:00
      School dinner - Dwingeloo 2h
    • 09:00 15:00
      IF data editing techniques - II
    • 15:00 18:00
      Visit LOFAR core 3h
    • 18:00 20:00
      Pancake dinner at De Bospub + bus ride back to hotels 2h
    • 09:00 14:00
      IF & BF analysis techniques
      • 09:00
        Beamforming with LOFAR 30m
        Speaker: Dr Vlad Kondratiev
      • 09:30
        Combining BF & IF observing modes 45m
        Speaker: Dr Pietro Zucca
      • 10:15
        Beamformed dynamic spectrum and Imaging 30m
        Speaker: Dr Pietro Zucca
      • 10:45
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:15
        Lightning studies with TBB 30m
        Speaker: Dr Sander ter Veen
      • 11:45
        Q & A Session 15m
      • 12:00
        Lunch 1h
      • 13:00
        LOFAR2.0 capabilities, changes in the data and data processing 30m
        Speaker: Dr Cees Bassa
      • 13:30
        Low frequency science with LOFAR2.0: future perspective 30m
        Speaker: Dr Jason Hessels
    • 14:00 17:00
      BF science use cases
      • 14:00
        Reading BF HDF5 data with Python 1h 30m
        Speaker: Dr Cees Bassa
      • 15:30
        Coffee break 30m
      • 16:00
        Reading BF HDF5 data with Python 1h
        Speaker: Dr Vlad Kondratiev
    • 14:00 17:00
      IF science use cases - I
      • 14:00
        Polarimetry analysis 1h 30m
        Speaker: Dr Michiel Brentjens
      • 15:30
        Coffee break 30m
      • 16:00
        LOFAR VLBI 1h
        Speaker: Dr Roland Timmerman
    • 09:00 13:30
      IF science use cases - II
      • 09:00
        VLBI data analysis and lofar_facet_selfcal tool usage 1h 30m
        Speaker: Dr Roland Timmerman
      • 10:30
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:00
        Analysis techniques to characterise extended sources 1h 30m
        Speaker: Dr Andrea Botteon
      • 12:30
        Lunch 1h
    • 13:30 14:15
      Science data challenge & conclusions
    • 14:15 16:00
      Group activity: science data challenge
    • 16:00 16:45
      Reception 45m
    • 16:45 17:45
      Science lecture 1h
      Speaker: Dr Ilse van Bemmel
    • 17:45 18:00
      Bus ride back to hotels 15m
    • 09:00 12:45
      Science data challenge & conclusions
      • 09:00
        Science data challenge - continued 1h 30m
      • 10:30
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:00
        Science data challenge - report 45m
      • 11:45
        Q&A session + Questionnaire 30m
      • 12:15
        Concluding remarks - Program end 30m
    • 12:45 13:45
      Luch 1h
    • 13:45 14:00
      Preparing for bus ride back to Hoogeveen train station 15m