12 December 2016: List of Speakers & Panelists
12h15-13h00 Welcome Address
Designation: Director of the LAPP Laboratory, OBELICS workpackge leader
Bio: Dr Giovanni Lamanna is the Research Director at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), leading the high energy gamma-ray astronomy research at the laboratory LAPP (Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules) in France. He has contributed to large international collaborations such as AMS, ANTARES, H.E.S.S. and CTA. He is currently involved in the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) international consortium, where he leads the Data-Management project and the French contribution to the design, development and construction of the first CTA Large Size Telescope. He has been cooperating during the last years with APPEC (the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium) on issues concerning optimal and efficient large-scale data analysis and management and has promoted the EU-T0 initiative. In 2013 he became computing and e-infrastructures policy manager at IN2P3 (the French national institute of nuclear and particle physics). He is one of the leading persons in the ASTERICS-H2020 project, coordinating the research activities on data challenges of new generation astronomical observatories in particular WP3-OBELICS
Email: lamanna@lapp.in2p3.fr
Designation: INAF, Senior Researcher
Bio: Dr. L. Angelo Antonelli is Senior Researcher (Primo Ricercatore) at INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma and Project Scientist of ASI Science Data Center in Rome. He is leading the high energy gamma-ray astronomy research team at INAF OAR and he is also leading the data handling and archiving in the ASTRI/CTA project. He is one of the WPs responsible of OBELICS within the H2020-ASTERICS project. He has contributed to international collaborations such as MAGIC, CTA, Swift as well as to Italian ones such as AGILE, BeppoSAX.
14h30- 18h00 Authentication & Authorisation Session
Designation: CTA-LAPP, Technical Director
Bio: After more than 15 years in the Computing industry as Network Consultant, Architect and Technical Program Manager, I have joined CNRS/LAPP to initiate the Grid activities at this laboratory and build the MUST mesocentre for Université Savoie Mont Blanc that is since almost 10 years one of the important WLCG Tier 2 for ATLAS and LHCb. Since 4 years I am the DATA Management Project Manager for CTA.
Email: nadine.neyroud@lapp.in2p3.fr
Website: http://lapp.in2p3.fr/
Designation: AARC Project Coordinator-GEANT
Bio: Licia has been working on trust and identity related topics for the last ten years. Prior to AARC, Licia led the trust and identity research activity within the GÈANT project.
Email: florio@terena.org
Website: http://www.geant.org/
Designation: Post-doctoral researcher at INAF - Astrophysical Observatory of Catania INAF
Bio: Eva Sciacca is a post-doctoral researcher at INAF - Astrophysical Observatory of Catania. She obtained the PhD in Mathematics for Technology focusing on Computational Biology studies. She is currently interested in IT applications, tailored to the astronomy and astrophysics community, based on Science Gateways, Workflow Management Systems and Data Systems exploiting distributed infrastructures. She is author of about 50 papers published in refereed journals, conference proceedings and book chapters.
Email: eva.sciacca@oact.inaf.it
Designation: Technologist, Computer Scientist
Bio: He works as technologist and computer scientist in Authentication & Authorization Infrastructures (AAI), Scientific Visualization, High Performance Computing.
A key aspect of his work is the tailoring of science gateway, workflow management system and distributed data system technologies to the astronomy and astrophysics community. He is the coordinator of the INAF collaboration in the AARC2 project.
Email: alessandro.costa@oact.inaf.it
Website: http://www.inaf.it/en
Name: Dr. Andrea Ceccanti
Designation: Technologist, INFN-CNAF
Bio:Andrea Ceccanti is a technologist at INFN where he works on the design and development of AAI and storage management solutions in support of scientific research.
Email: andrea.ceccanti@cnaf.infn.it
Website: http://home.infn.it/en/
Designation: LIP Lisbon, Portugal (associate researcher)
Bio: Mario David is associate researcher at LIP with expertise in Distributed Computing infrastructures (Cloud and Grid). He holds a PhD in Experimental Particle Physics from the University of Lisbon. Member of EGI-Engage in the AAI task and Lifewatch competence center. He is also a member of the IndigoDatacloud EU project as leader of “Pilot Services” task.
Email: david@lip.pt
Website: http://www.lip.pt/index.php?&lg=en
Designation: System Engineer, ASTRON
Bio: Hanno Holties has been involved in several scientific data center related projects and was program manager for the LOFAR Long Term Archive related activities. He is currently leading the development of the scientific data archive for Apertif, the upgrade of the WSRT telescope array and involved in SKA related projects.
Email: holties@astron.nl
Website: http://www.astron.nl
Designation: INAF
Bio: Fabio Pasian is a Senior Full Astronomer (Astronomo Ordinario) at INAF - Observatory of Trieste where he coordinates the Technologies Group, composed of 35 scientists and engineers who are involved, mostly in the framework of international projects, in the development of computer applications for astrophysics. He has led many national and international activities in the field, and was chair of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance. Currently, he holds responsibilities in the Euclid mission and in ASTERICS where he was elected Chair of the General Assembly.
Email: pasian@oats.inaf.it