13 December 2016: List of Speakers & Panelists
9h00-13h00: Data Storage, Transfer & Preservation
Name: Prof. Paul Alexander
Email: pa@mrao.cam.ac.uk
Name: Philippe Deverchère
Designation: Oracle EMEA Storage CTO
Bio: Philippe Deverchère is of French Nationality and has more than 25 years of experience in different areas of the Information Technology industry, including Hardware Engineering, Software Engineering and Storage Solution Integration and Consulting. Philippe is in charge of coordinating technical activities around storage in EMEA in link with customers, partners and the Oracle field.
Email: philippe.deverchere@oracle.com
Website: https://www.oracle.com/storage/index.html
Bio: Philippe Deverchère is of French Nationality and has more than 25 years of experience in different areas of the Information Technology industry, including Hardware Engineering, Software Engineering and Storage Solution Integration and Consulting. Philippe is in charge of coordinating technical activities around storage in EMEA in link with customers, partners and the Oracle field.
Email: philippe.deverchere@oracle.com
Website: https://www.oracle.com/storage/index.html
Name: Dr Domenico Giordano
Designation: Computing Engineer, CERN IT Department
Bio: Dr. Domenico Giordano is an IT professional with academic background in particle physics and 15 years of experience in computing and applied physics, in particular in the fields of cloud computing, data analytics, software design and testing. Domenico is part of the team that manages the services for the operation and monitoring of the CERN computing resources and in particular the WLCG Tier-0. Domenico provides support to the infrastructure that is used by the LHC collaborations for their computing activities and is heavily involved in R&D for the adoption of new IT solutions, such as commercial cloud services. In the last three years Domenico has been responsible for the technical evaluation of several commercial cloud services acquired via CERN procurement actions in order to assess them as solutions for the extension of the CERN computing resources. Domenico participates to the HNSciCloud Pre-Commercial Procurement project (http://www.hnscicloud.eu/) as CERN representative for the R&D phase of the project.
Email: Domenico.Giordano@cern.ch
Website: https://home.cern/
Bio: Dr. Domenico Giordano is an IT professional with academic background in particle physics and 15 years of experience in computing and applied physics, in particular in the fields of cloud computing, data analytics, software design and testing. Domenico is part of the team that manages the services for the operation and monitoring of the CERN computing resources and in particular the WLCG Tier-0. Domenico provides support to the infrastructure that is used by the LHC collaborations for their computing activities and is heavily involved in R&D for the adoption of new IT solutions, such as commercial cloud services. In the last three years Domenico has been responsible for the technical evaluation of several commercial cloud services acquired via CERN procurement actions in order to assess them as solutions for the extension of the CERN computing resources. Domenico participates to the HNSciCloud Pre-Commercial Procurement project (http://www.hnscicloud.eu/) as CERN representative for the R&D phase of the project.
Email: Domenico.Giordano@cern.ch
Website: https://home.cern/
Name:Dr. Michael F. STERZIK
Email: msterzik@eso.org
Name: Dr Oliver Keeble
Designation: Team Leader, Storage Group, CERN.
Bio: Oliver's expertise in distributed computing for science derives from his participation in the deployment of the global LHC computing infrastructure ("WLCG") and from managing teams providing critical data services for the grid.
Email: oliver.keeble@cern.ch
Website: http://cern.ch/ ; http://wlcg.web.cern.ch/
Designation: Team Leader, Storage Group, CERN.
Bio: Oliver's expertise in distributed computing for science derives from his participation in the deployment of the global LHC computing infrastructure ("WLCG") and from managing teams providing critical data services for the grid.
Email: oliver.keeble@cern.ch
Website: http://cern.ch/ ; http://wlcg.web.cern.ch/
Name: Dr Michael Wise
Designation: Head of Astronomy group, ASTRONBio:Dr. Michael Wise is Head of the Astronomy Group at ASTRON and an adjunct professor in Radio Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam. He is an active astrophysicist whose research interests include cluster of galaxies, AGN feedback, and the formation and evolution of large-scale structure. He has worked extensively at a variety of wavelengths including X-ray, optical, infra-red, and radio. He has over 20 years of experience supporting the construction and operation of large-scale astronomical facilities first as a staff member of with the Chandra X-ray Science Center, and later with the design and construction of the LOFAR telescope. He is currently President of IAU Commission B2 on Data and Documentation, a member of the ASTERICS project, and a member of the Coordination Group on SKA Regional Centres. He is also the Coordinator for the AENEAS-H2020 project to develop a concept and design for a distributed, federated SKA Regional Centre within Europe to support the astronomical community in achieving the scientific goals of the SKA.
Email: wise@astron.nl
Name: Dr. Raphael RITZ
Designation: Max Planck Computing and Data Facility
Email: raphael.ritz@mpcdf.mpg.de
14h00-18h30 Large Databases
Name: Dr Dominique Boutigny
Designation: LSST-France Principal Investigator, LAPP
Bio: Dominique Boutigny is currently the French LSST project coordinator and my science topic of interest is the weak lensing applied to galaxy cluster mass determination and cosmic shear. Before joining the LSST project he has been the director of the IN2P3 computing center (CC-IN2P3) which is providing data analysis resources for ~70 experiments in particle physics and astronomy.
Email: boutigny@in2p3.fr
Website: https://www.lsst.org/
Bio: Dominique Boutigny is currently the French LSST project coordinator and my science topic of interest is the weak lensing applied to galaxy cluster mass determination and cosmic shear. Before joining the LSST project he has been the director of the IN2P3 computing center (CC-IN2P3) which is providing data analysis resources for ~70 experiments in particle physics and astronomy.
Email: boutigny@in2p3.fr
Website: https://www.lsst.org/
Name: Dr Bart Scheers
Designation: Postdoctoral researcher in the Database Architecture Group Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) Science Park 123, 1098 XG, Amsterdam The Netherlands
Bio: Dr Scheers's research interests and expertise include transient and variable astronomical sources Statistical query processing of large data volumes Distributed, sharded and layered astronomical databases.
Email: L.H.A.Scheers@cwi.nl
Website: https://www.monetdb.org
https://www.cwi.nl/research-groups/database-architecturesBio: Dr Scheers's research interests and expertise include transient and variable astronomical sources Statistical query processing of large data volumes Distributed, sharded and layered astronomical databases.
Email: L.H.A.Scheers@cwi.nl
Website: https://www.monetdb.org
Name: Fabrice Jammes
Designation: LPC-IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand
Bio: He has worked in a variety of environments and has gained an expertise in various fields such as, satellite simulators, e-learning, web-services and ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) software development
He has experience with both extreme-scale data sets management and research software development, Today he plays a key role in an international and highly skilled development team in collaboration with the prestigious University of Stanford. This team is tasked with building Qserv, an open-source data access system at the petabyte scale for one of the largest cosmology experiment: LSST. Fabrice also collaborates with system administrators of large academic data centers to install, configure, run and test this highly distributed database.
Email: fabrice.jammes@clermont.in2p3.fr
Website: http://clrwww.in2p3.fr/
Bio: He has worked in a variety of environments and has gained an expertise in various fields such as, satellite simulators, e-learning, web-services and ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) software development
He has experience with both extreme-scale data sets management and research software development, Today he plays a key role in an international and highly skilled development team in collaboration with the prestigious University of Stanford. This team is tasked with building Qserv, an open-source data access system at the petabyte scale for one of the largest cosmology experiment: LSST. Fabrice also collaborates with system administrators of large academic data centers to install, configure, run and test this highly distributed database.
Email: fabrice.jammes@clermont.in2p3.fr
Website: http://clrwww.in2p3.fr/
Name: Andre Schaaff
Designation: Strausbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS)Bio: Andre Schaaff is in charge of the R&D programme at CDS and is involved since the beginning in the International Virtual Observatory Alliance where he was chair of the Grid and Web Services Working Group. He participated to all the European projects in the Virtual Observatory field from AVO, VOTECH,... to ASTERICS.
Email: andre.schaaff@astro.unistra.fr
Website: http://cdsweb.unistra.fr
Name: Dr Volker Guelzow
Designation: Head of IT, DESY.
Bio: Prof. Dr. Volker Guelzow studied mathematics and physics at the University of Goettingen. He received his PhD in applied mathematics in 1987. In the 1980’s he worked on fluid dynamics problems at the German Aerospace Establishment and became a department head in 1988 at the German Climate Computer Centre (DKRZ) dealing with large simulation codes, computer science in high performance parallel and grid computing, visualization and data handling. Beside this he is a professor for computer science at Universtity for Technics and Economy in Berlin. He is involved in many European Projects and is member of various committees on computer science.
Email: volker.guelzow@desy.de
Website: http://www.desy.de/index_eng.html